Jesus and the Trinity According to
Jesus and the Trinity According to
"Furthermore, these ideas have and will continue to taint the way in which people think as it is this pervasive thinking that dominates the West and the world today” (Martin, 2006). Therefore, it is evident that the changes that we have seen are only the beginning and these influences will only continue to propel further change. The idea that God is non-existent has become more common and the desire to remove God from every area in society is becoming more and more accepted. However, our God has given us free will and therefore, the choice is there to make.…
The people of Christianity believes in the trinity, that God came to earth through three dimensions. The God, Jesus Christ (son of God)…
Rachael Held Evans, bestselling author of Biblical Womanhood wrote the book Faith Unraveled which have two parts: the first part talks about her personal experience of her childhood growing in a Christian family, her constant faith in god and Christianity. The second part is about the questions that aroused about her own faith in god and further looks for an appropriate answer if god existed and if Christianity is the greatest religion of all. In the beginning, she had a series of false consciousness in her mind about different religion impacting their followers differently. She was in dilemma if only Christians are meant for heaven and others for hell. The story of Zarmina made the questions that she had about her faith more complicated.…
Chapter six of Practicing Christian Doctrine, by Beth Felker Jones, chiefly discusses Christology and the various heresies that have surrounded it over the years. Christology, which is the study of Christ, helps one to learn more about Jesus and his identity and how to live a good Christian life by forming a relationship with the Lord. In order for Christology to work, the person of Jesus must be known and a major idea discussed in this novel is homoousios, Jesus is full and truly God. Two other important characteristics of God found in this chapter are immutability¬¬ and impassibility. Immutability means that God is unchanging and impassibility states that He is never overwhelmed by emotion.…
In the book Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves, Reeves explains why a triune God is essential for the Christian faith and explores the implications of the concept of the trinity for believers. Summary The primary focus of Reeves in chapter one is the question “What was God doing before creation?”…
Since man are naturally susceptible to corruption and sin, God had to enter the world in human form in order to guide man back to the state in which he created them in. The general idea of the incarnation of Jesus is very foreign to me in regards to it not being a part of my religious background. I was aware however that within Christianity this belief is taught and practiced. Learning that "God" was born in human form in order to save mankind is very hard for me to grasp. Since I was born and raised Muslim, this idea present many issues with my religious…
“There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which every one in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else; and of which hardly any people, except Christians, ever imagine that they are guilty of themselves” (Lewis 121). Effectively drawing the reader in, C.S. Lewis opens the eighth chapter of the third book in Mere Christianity with this quote. Unfortunately, pride or self-conceit are vices that affect humans without exception. Lewis writes that all sin roots itself in pride. In reading this bold observation, one begs the question, “is pride really the root of all sin, or is the thought exaggerated?”…
God being the creator of the universe, the New Testament implicates that Jesus in creation simply gives a signal that Jesus is God. Jesus’ identity is found in the Trinity through the cycle: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. These are three in one and prove the very…
Benchmark Assignment: Gospel Essentials So far in this class we have learned about how God created the Heaven, Stars and the Earth and all of the animals that live on it. We have also learned about the first human beings, Adam and Eve, who didn’t abide by God’s rules and let him down. We also learned how God gave his only son Jesus to come and walk with us as a human. We learned how he died on the cross for us and arose again to forgive us of all of our sins and so that we can one day walk with him and God again and have eternal life.…
But, for Christianity faith, they have the answer to these questions: god and Jesus’ teachings. Jesus was the perfect image of the invisible god; therefore, he…
It is often confused what faith is and what it is not. Indeed it is an abstract term which its definition will change depending on who you ask. Throughout the works of two authors, Faith by Terrence W. Tilley and The Essential Tillich by Paul Tillich, the term faith gets evaluated and explained in a more in depth fashion. Everyone has faith; it does not have to be a religious belief, but in fact it can be a relationship with something, a center of value, or a motive. Faith, to me, is an abstruse concept where the components of belief, hope and morality unite to form a synonymous definition.…
Natalia Perez Father Jose Losoya Essay Question 11 October 2016 Essay Question #1 “In order to live the Gospel and share it with others we don’t need philosophy.” Evaluate this statement in the light of what is said in the Introduction and Chapters 1 to 3 of Fides et Ratio. Knowing that faith helps us to arrive at the truth of things, there are still some people who believe that in order to love the Gospel and share it with others we don’t need philosophy.…
Jesus is defined as full man and full God, meaning that He is God himself transformed into a human being. The book of John is a good source to understand the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ, and His role in the trinity. For example, Jesus states “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him” (John 14:7). In this verse, Jesus evidences the trinity by defining himself as a reflection of God’s entity. Also, further on the same chapter, Philip asks Jesus to show them the Father, for what Jesus replies by asking if he didn’t know Him already, and finally saying “Who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).…
The Incarnation is the powerful mystery that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became flesh to fulfill our salvation and to save us from both sin and death. The Incarnation is the greatest sign of Christian faith to be true. In the Gospel of Luke, we are told that through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Incarnation came to be accurate. An angel named Gabriel appears to Mary and tells her that you will have a child named Jesus.…
Uncharted Journey of Faith: Past, Present and Future “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11 Introduction I titled this essay “Uncharted Journey of Faith” reflecting on the past, present and future growth of my faith experience. When I think of faith in general, the word mystery comes to my mind.…