This God is triune, Transcendent and immanent, omniscient, sovereign, and good.” (Sire) He is my God. He isn’t a force of energy. God has self-reflection and self-determination. He is beyond us and beyond our world. God is the prime reality.
What is the nature of external reality, that is, the world around us? The nature of external reality what you perceive it to be. Your external reality is based on who you are. “Since nothing is in the mind which is not first in external reality, external reality "exists" if the mind exists.” Your external reality could also be false. I know what you are thinking. I just said it depends on who you are. Some people have hallucinations. So, therefore their reality is false. The people that believe in God are more likely to think that the world is something that was created. Others that believe in the Big Bang Theory will most likely believe that the universe was created by accident. “God created the universe out of nothing and made it in such a way that it operates with a uniformity of cause and effect in an open system.” (Note that the phrase “open system” means that God is able to work miracles in the created order, which would override the normal operation of cause and effect.)” …show more content…
It has emotions and an imagination. God created us to be that way. “The soul is the aspect of being human that drives our imagination, emotions and thoughts towards the highest ideals of what it means to be human. The soul is the essence if being human. Humans are artists. We were created to create.” (McManus) God created us, so why wouldn’t we create? We create using our imagination. We create art. Some create just because and others create for God. I am a dancer and I know that I create for Him. Some people may think that bullies do not have feelings, but I believe they do. There is a reason why they are bullying others. I read on of people’s thoughts on bullies. “Screw the bully’s feelings, they’re not even human.” When I read that, it made my heart sink. Even though what the bully is doing is wrong, that does not mean they are not human. They have feelings too. No matter how bad of a person someone is, whether they are a bully or a serial killer, they are still human. They have soul, imagination, emotions, and they were created by God.
What happens to a person at