Reflection On Seamands

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As a requirement for my SA/CO 804: Community of Faith & Ministry/Counseling Development Group III at The Pentecostal Theological Seminary, I was required to read the book “Ministry in the Image of God: The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service” by Stephen Seamands. I was also required to reflect on how this book has helped shape my ministry focus. Please accept the following reflection as a fulfillment of that requirement.
The Trinity is one of the many mysteries of God. “Ministry in the Image of God: The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service” was written to help the reader understand the image of God in reference to the Trinity and how it could help shape our service for the Lord. For me personally, as a Pentecostal, obviously I believe in the Trinity. I have also thought, up until recently, that I had a good understanding of the Trinity. However, if I were completely honest with myself, I did not have as much understanding as I thought I did, and this book
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This cycle describes four dynamic elements of the Father-Son relationship. These elements, Acceptance, Sustenance, Status and Achievement clearly demonstrate that Christ’s ministry is rooted in his grace-given identity, according to Seamands. In my opinion, I feel that if I apply these to my life, it will also help structure and discipline the ministry. First, “Acceptance” knowing that my life is hidden in Christ. Secondly, “Sustenance,” knowing that God is enjoying what I am doing adds lots of peace. Thirdly, “Status,” knowing that I am in God’s will and doing what He desires me to do is fulfilling. Finally, “Achievement”, knowing that by the power of the Holy Spirit, I can do all things. This model that Lakes wrote according to Seamands is an explicit example of how Christ’s ministry can be our ultimate example and help us secure a proper foundation that is firmly

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