Student’s Name OraLyn Moran Date Meaning Behind Words On October 2008 President Uchtdorf, who is the Second Counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, gave a talk in the priesthood session of General Conference titled “Lift Where You Stand.” In his speech, President Uchtdorf emphasizes that every person has the calling God wants them to have. He invites all men to enjoy and do what they are supposed to do in order to fulfill their callings or assignments in the church, without complaining about how many tasks it implies, or thinking they should be in a higher position.…
I read the narrative, “The Healing Power of Grace,” by Katherine Lawrence. This narrative is about the author receiving grace following the death of her partner from a heart condition. The grace she received helped pull her out of her despair. The author is telling us that showing grace towards others, no matter what you think about the person, makes life possible.…
Both Baxter and Witmer, in their books “The Reformed Pastor”,” The Shepherd Leader”, argue about how to be a good leader in a biblical way for Maturate Pastoral Ministry. While Baxter describes from his own point of view, Witmer harmonizes with Baxter including other points. Firstly, in this essay, we will be comparing and contrast, Timothy Witmer’s framework for leadership with his “old shepherd friend” Richard Baxter in The Reformed Pastor (1657) Secondly, we are going to Evaluate Witmer’s framework for leadership in which extant is biblical, practical and relevant to my personal context. Finally, there will be a Self-assess of my personal leadership in the church and home against this (modified) framework, with explaining strength and…
We are all called to fill multiple roles during our life. In chapters 5-8 of God at Work, Veith (2002) explains the importance of each of these vocations and how they intermix with each other. In looking at each of these, it is important to note that one vocation does not carry more power than another. Veith explains how God works through us in each of the vocations of worker, family member, citizen, and church member to love and serve our neighbor.…
“There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which every one in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else; and of which hardly any people, except Christians, ever imagine that they are guilty of themselves” (Lewis 121). Effectively drawing the reader in, C.S. Lewis opens the eighth chapter of the third book in Mere Christianity with this quote. Unfortunately, pride or self-conceit are vices that affect humans without exception. Lewis writes that all sin roots itself in pride. In reading this bold observation, one begs the question, “is pride really the root of all sin, or is the thought exaggerated?”…
In “Salvation”, I felt the author made great use of action, stakes and reflection, just as Brian Reed explained in his video. For example, the action of visiting the church with fellow children who were labeled as “sinners, was quickly amplified by the anticipation of being saved. The story went on to tell of each child who gave in and received Jesus, but still to his dismay, he had not felt anything at all. I found myself interested in his coming thoughts, which was a great use of stakes. In addition, the reflection at the end of that night resonated a powerful message as well, for the reasons that his new discovery and realization of not being saved would forever change his perception of the faith he was brought up to believe.…
What better way to draw near and learn about my Heavenly Father, than to forge a relationship with His Son. I have not yet read through all of the Gospels, but have studied them on and off over the last seven years. Therefore, for this particular stepping stone on my journey, I plan to work my way through the Gospels, and spend time with my Savior. Throughout these times, I foresee myself engaging in prayer, reading scripture, doing some self-examination, journaling, and/or silently sitting in His presence.…
Henri Nouwen’s book The Wounded Healer: Ministry In Contemporary Society provides a valuable introspective approach to providing pastoral care and serving in Christian leadership in contemporary society. Nouwen provides a great overview of the wounds and suffering that plagues modern society, the current generation, individual people, and the Christian ministers who are called to serve those in need. (Nouwen, 3)…
Over the past two years, through moments of deep reflection I have come to appreciate the reality that the journey of the seminarian is replete with the necessary work of deconstructing and reconstructing formative behaviors, thoughts, and theological ideologies. Through plenaries, readings, discussions, research, and practice, seminarians are provided the critical tools to help sharpen awareness, inspire passion, bring clarity with regard to the specificity of ones call, and finally, enhance and develop ministerial identity. To date, the lectures and outlined readings have had a profound impact on reshaping my personal ministry perspective. In the one-man stage play, The Actual Dance, I was forced to grapple with the harsh inescapable reality of illness. The presentation…
Foster, Richard J. Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1998. 9780060628390. Content Summary…
The Wesley Understand of Human Salvation What is salvation? The salvation which is here spoken of is not what is frequently understood by the word, the going to heaven, eternal happiness. …… It is not a blessing which lies on the other side of death….it is a present thing….[it] might be extended to the entire work of God , from the first dawning of grace in the soul till it is consummated in glory (Maddox 143). Albert C. Outler noted that this sermon has the most extensive history of oral preaching behind it of any of the written sermons; therefore, he recommended it as the best single essay by which to judge Wesley’s soteriology (Maddox 323). Wesley denied here that human salvation is only a future hope; Wesley was also denying that it is…
Theological perspectives will be considered, and a conclusion will be given offering an overview of the strength and weaknesses of Walls’ approach. Walls first published “The Gospel as Prisoner and Liberator of Culture” in 1982, and it offers a reflection on how the Christian faith has found expression across time and culture over two millennia in ways that at times seem ‘repellent’ to one another. Starting with the first…
Jacob Bickel Mrs. Pratt Christian Mission Period 4 Worst People on Earth “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation” Romans 15:20. Roger Youderian took that verse to heart. Roger expressed his love for Christ in many ways. His story is not like many others.…
Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster is an eye-opening book to how a Christian can enhance their relationship with the Lord. He conveys this topic by bringing attention the disciplines all Christians should incorporate into their lives. Foster does an excellent job organizing the 12 disciplines in sections of inward, outward and corporate. The first section Foster brings attention to is the inward section. The disciplines in this section focus on the inward being of a person.…
almsgiving- Almsgiving is the act of giving time, money, or goods to people who are poor or in need. (application: pg 148 “In the Gospel of Mark and Matthew, we read about Jesus’ teachings about almsgiving, or giving money or goods to people who are in need.” , vocabulary: pg 149, Example/Symbolism, the penny from Co Judy [I gave penny away during Mass]) -Each of us is called to respond to Christ’s call to love and serve to serve others by using God’s gift that He has given us. (talent/skill)…