A great team needs an outstanding coach. If a team wants to be able to win many football games, then the coach needs to know the game. There has been many amazing football coaches, but Bear Bryant was one of the greatest. Paul W. Bryant, also known as Bear Bryant was an Alabama Head coach for college football (Hendricks). His team won many football bowls and championships (Puma). The way Bear had his childhood the way that it was, shaped the man to become a great adult. Bear Bryant had a somewhat rough childhood. Bear was the eighth surviving child, three died at birth (Hendricks). He was born on September 11, 1913 in a small town named Moro Bottom in Arkansas (Biography.com). Only 7 families lived at Moro Bottom at the time when he lived there (Hendricks). Bear played as an offensive lineman at Fordyce …show more content…
Soon after he passed, he was elected to be in the college football hall of fame (Biography.com). A museum directed towards him was built in Tuscaloosa, Alabama (Biography.com). He was awarded in other things. He was awarded the presidential medal of freedom (Puma). He was also awarded with the college football coach of the year , he was also given SI’s All-time College All-Stars Winners list(biography.com). A great team needs an amazing coach. If a team wants to be able to win many football games, then the coach has to have knowledge of the game and other teams. There has been many top of the line football coaches, but Bear Bryant was one of the greatest in the history of college football. Paul W. Bryant, also known as Bear Bryant was an Alabama Head coach for college football, he led the team to places they have never been before (Hendricks). His team won many football bowls and championships (Puma). As Bear once said “Losing doesn’t make me want to quit. It makes me want to fight that much harder,”