It is a scary thought; why would we allow people to have guns on campus, when there already so many shootings on campuses? The answer is simple, those who have a concealed carry permit are not the ones committing these atrocious crimes. In this day and age we are all about statistics, and frankly there are none concluding that concealed carry permit holders commit campus crime.
If there’s no proof that Campus Carry would increase crime then we as a community should be fine with it. However, the fears of some, have attempted to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens. …show more content…
Come next fall when I walk onto campus with my concealed carry permit and firearm secured safely, I will not be looked at any differently. In fact we are scared for safety reasons, but why? Those of us who choose to carry concealed have no intention to threaten, harass, or abuse the firearm we carry. We have registered with the state of Texas and gone through background checks. We understand that the right to own and carry a firearm is an inalienable right. However, we too have seen the news, we too have cried for those killed and asked ourselves how could somebody do something so horrific. We, speaking collectively, have no intention of hurting anyone. It is those who we do not know of, that we should be scared of. Not those of us who are willing to be open and honest about carrying a firearm on