We can't ignore the ongoing violence in America's schools. There have been numerous school shootings already in 2014. Feeling safe doesn't always mean being safe. We can't afford another year without action on gun control. It's important for people to be prepared because if there's a crisis on campus, they need to be able to take care of themselves until somebody can render aid. They need to not be in a position where they don't have any way of defending themselves, by default becoming a victim. The pen is not always mighter than the sword. People need to be prepared at all times, and that doesn't mean just outside of campus. The sense of safety is for students and professors alike which means for everybody. …show more content…
Stating that if concealed to carry on campus were allowed, would not decrease campus violence or stop a campus shooting. More guns do not solve issues, only complicate matters. That idea is notoriously a left wing approach and rather close minded. Campus shootings are an increasing event across America. Radical situations are to be dealt by radical means. Allowing qualified civilians to continue to carry in the classroom setting would save lives. School shootings have not been stopped until law enforcement arrived or the shooter took their own life. How many lives could have been saved, how many countless deaths will be prevented by changing our …show more content…
Carrol. The thought of someone carrying a handgun for self-defense are more likely to be shot during an altercation than an participants without handguns. Theses license holders are not trained to run around campus looking for those active shooters. Those carrying their concealed handguns intend of defending themselves, not as a reason to go chasing after modern day outlaws. Those with concealed handgun licenses are trained to use their firearms for self-defense. Citizens with concealed handgun licenses on campus are not the next Wyatt Earp of our generation. An individual could have a breakdown, use their new given right to carry a weapon on campus and use to harm those around them. That is a possible outcome by changing campus policy. This risk is the same as any other establishment in this country. The shooter could draw their legal weapon and fire among their peers. This can also happen with an illegal weapon brought onto the school grounds used for another shooting. Either way a person who was once considered sane does not just randomly snap. There are always events leading up to that decision, which often show numerous tell tale