Although, many people agree that disarming criminals is the right decision, there is large controversy in how it should be done. Many policies show consistent failure, and only empower criminals to prey upon the law abiding citizens. Burnett makes the statement,“Campuses should allow permit-holders to protect themselves on campus just as much as they do off campus”. The Virginia tech shooter may have become disarmed if one responsible armed citizen could have stopped him. In order to receive a permit for concealed weapons, one must have a federal and state background check along with training and fingerprinting. Concealed carry has increased over the past couple years, and crime has fallen. 49 states guarantee that responsible citizens have access to self-defense options, but laws should be crafted to favor the responsible citizens by allowing concealed carry. Over 200 colleges in 6 states have allowed concealed carry without incident. Until the odds are in favor of the victims, allowing concealed carry should be supported on college …show more content…
Concealed weapons should not be allowed on college campuses. Students who abuse drugs and alcohol should not be given the right to carry on the premises of an institution built on safety and education. This issue is not an emotional decision regarding civil rights, it is a racial decision that should be taken with the utmost