Should Teachers Be Allowed To Carry Guns In School Essay

Improved Essays
Should Teachers Be Allowed To Carry Guns In School?
Imagine a scenario where you are defenseless against someone with the intention to wreak mass havoc on staff and students within a campus. It is unfortunate to note that columbine High school experienced a tragedy in 1999, which holds historic benefit to the concept of providing protection to those within a campus in case of a tragic scenario. It is important to know that when over ten students lost their lives during shooting in school, the idea to permit teacher to carry concealed guns in school got more attention than ever before (Siksika Nation, & Siksika Curriculum Committee, 2014). Student’s safety with a learning institution may be at high risk as shown in school shootings like the
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An administrator or a teacher with a pistol could easily protect the school and its students (Siksika Nation, & Siksika Curriculum Committee, 2014). For instance, in any case of shootings in school, all that would take to stop the shooter is a single person with a pistol. In case people are aware that schools are armed, it would be less likely to be attacked (Holland, 2013). When an attack occur in school, of course cops will be called upon. But, how long will it take the cops to arrive at the scene? And how many innocent students will be victims of the attackers at school? With guns being allowed in school, definitely there will be less cases of gunmen attacks in school, and all people in school fraternity will always feel safe.
In addition, when teachers are allowed to carry guns in campuses, there is high chance that it would help students to perform better. In case a student think an educator may go crazy with his or her gun, then with the fear of not causing such craziness, the student will definitely work hard in case and perform excellent so as to always please the teacher (Holland, 2013). Therefore, teachers should be trained and allowed to have guns in school, for students to be motivated to ensure better

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