Formative And Summative Assessment

Improved Essays
Assessment is an essential part of teaching and learning. Assessment informs me how I teach, and how I should design or change the curriculum to meet with the students’ needs to support their learning. Assessment is also useful for me to provide the students meaningful feedbacks on their learning progress so that they know where they are and what they should do to develop their learning. Assessment can be formative and summative (Griffin, 2014). In my previous placement, I had the opportunities to practice both formative and summative assessments where I assessed the students and monitored their learning progress to reflect my teaching as well as to improve the students learning. For example, I asked the students to complete the quizzes prior …show more content…
Additionally, I assisted my mentor teacher to mark the students’ tests. These assessments let me know that whether my teaching strategies were suitable for enhancing the students learning, and what I needed to do next to support the improvement of students learning. Moreover, these assessments helped me to identify the students’ capability such as the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) of the students (Vygotsky, 1978). Once I knew the ZPD of the students, I changed my teaching strategies to meet their learning needs. For example, I designed a series of the interventions to scaffold the students through their ZPD to improve their learning. For instance, I identified that some students in my year 7 Maths have Math ability below year 7, and they could not understand some certain Math concepts. I, therefore, used to individually reteach them those concepts during the exercise time, and showed them to work on some simple worked examples to help them to understand the …show more content…
It is a fantastic opportunity for me to learn, experience and improve many essential skills for my teaching career. In the previous placement, I had chance to take part in a wide range of the school’s activities (see the appendix). I participated in the school’s data day where I had the opportunities to work with my mentor teacher and the faculty staff to access the student’s assessment data and analyse the ability of the students, thus I could understand the students’ ZPD and plan my teaching that could cater most of the students’ learning desires in my classes. Besides, I attended the school meetings and faculty meetings to get more information about the school context: how they operate, what their goals are. I also had opportunity to develop my knowledge of classroom management or students’ data analysis from the invited speakers in the school meetings. In addition, I observed the teaching of many other colleagues and learnt a lot of valuable teaching skills and knowledges from them to apply in my teaching. Furthermore, I attended the parents/teacher interview to know how to inform the student’s result to their parents, respond to the parent’s inquiries, understand more about the students’ context, and know what the students and their parents’ expectations for the teachers, and the parents’ expectations for their kids’ learning progress. Moreover, I

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