What have you done to further increase student achievement in your classroom or to support others in your school or department?
The student academic achievement is my number one priority. I use the students background and previous experiences to understand and use their strengths as well as to learn about possible challenges that may interfere with their learning. Learning about their interest, I create an inclusive, safe, and empathetic environment in which all students connect and learn how to learn. I aligned all lessons to the learning standards, while using real life experiences or scenarios to make learning purposely and fun. All students know they will be held to the highest expectations. They are taught …show more content…
I have being able throughout the school year to make a networking of colleagues who are compromised with every student academic achievement. I have used negotiation skills in order to encourage and support each other to be resilient and overcome the student's learning barriers. I provided them, my assistant principal, and my PLC with a quick and simple strategies to help close the learning gap between students who are English language learners (ELL) and English native speakers, since it is the bigger part of our school composition. I taught them a quick way in which students can learn how to use cognates to "read in Spanish while reading in English". This strategy provides students with the basic reading comprehension they need to be able to produce an academic work without the frustration of the immersion program. Moreover, I have informal mentor new and experienced educators on how to differentiate instruction, use data to achieve a higher order of thinking and learning, and how to include all students by never allowing themselves to have in their classes any "invisible …show more content…
If a student's record says the student has a reading challenge, I start by reading out loud and discussing the lectures. Usually, I develop recordings of the class and send it to the student's email or via Edmodo, or Remind 101. Technology is essential when working to close the learning gap between lower achievement students and the highest achievers. After all, they are part of the technology era. When the students struggles to write using pen and paper, I allow them to type or even text the answers, paragraphs, or essays and send it to my email, Edmodo, or Remind 101, also used as a tool for