They are all also virgins and chose to stay with Artemis. Even though Hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth, Hera was the goddess of mothers in childbirth, Artemis is the goddess of the infant. These two are similar in this area because Artemis is the protector of nursing infants (boy and girl) and Hera produces the mother's milk. Not only does she protect the infants, she can also bring sudden death, illness, and diseases to the women and girls like Apollo with men and boys. When Artemis was younger, she begged her father if she could live down in the forest instead of the living at Mount Olympus like the rest of the gods and goddesses. It was said that the whole Earth was her hunting ground. She is also very faithful in what she believes in and always maintain her purity. Artemis is one of the more popular goddess because many populations rely on her hunting in order to get …show more content…
But somehow, Zeus transformed himself to take form of Artemis and managed to seduced and impregnate her. Callisto gave birth to Arcas but was turned in a bear by either Hera out of jealousy or Artemis because she betrayed her. Sixteen years later while still a bear, she encounters Arcas. He thought she was a normal bear so he took out his spear but before he could kill her, Zeus placed them amongst the stars as Ursa Major (Great Bear) and Ursa MInor (Little Bear). In the myth of Actaeon, the version of Callimachus, Artemis was taking a bath in the woods when Actaeon stumbled upon her naked body. Artemis then saw him and to take revenge, she forbids him to talk and if he talks, he would be turned into a stag(deer). When he heard his hunting friends, he called out to them and was turn immediately into a stag. He then ran into the woods and his own dogs chased him. Not knowing that the stag was their master, they started to tear him apart and killed him. Artemis is one of the more popular goddess because the villagers relies on her and her powers. If people still believes in Greek mythology today, Artemis would probably be believed