There is also a beautiful golden and marble statue in Vienna. Athens (or Athenae) is in plural form, because it represents thesisterhood of the goddess that existed there.Similarly, Athena was called Mykene in the city of Mycenae (alsoa plural after the respective sisterhood), and Thebe in the cityof Thebes (or Thebae, both plural forms).The Shrine of the Goddess Athena houses: the Museum of theGoddess Athena were can be found information about all existing objectsrelated with the Goddess from the Archaic Period to the present;an Encyclopedia with all major information concerning the Goddess; a Dictionarywith all important words used in this Shrine; an Atlas showingthe locations of every places mentioned; a virtual Temple to theGoddess Athena and an Athenaeum were contemporary reflections are made aboutAthena is imagined as a strong woman and, when she sprang from Zeus's forehead, was draped in a cloak with a golden helmet, shield and
There is also a beautiful golden and marble statue in Vienna. Athens (or Athenae) is in plural form, because it represents thesisterhood of the goddess that existed there.Similarly, Athena was called Mykene in the city of Mycenae (alsoa plural after the respective sisterhood), and Thebe in the cityof Thebes (or Thebae, both plural forms).The Shrine of the Goddess Athena houses: the Museum of theGoddess Athena were can be found information about all existing objectsrelated with the Goddess from the Archaic Period to the present;an Encyclopedia with all major information concerning the Goddess; a Dictionarywith all important words used in this Shrine; an Atlas showingthe locations of every places mentioned; a virtual Temple to theGoddess Athena and an Athenaeum were contemporary reflections are made aboutAthena is imagined as a strong woman and, when she sprang from Zeus's forehead, was draped in a cloak with a golden helmet, shield and