Arguments Against Animal Testing

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“In July 19, 2011, USDA inspection report cites the Harvard Medical School five times for violations including unqualified personnel, inadequate supervision of experimentation by the lab's Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee, and inadequate housing for primates” (Hunnicutt). Despite the benefits of animal testing, animal rights activists have shed a light on the horrible things these animals needlessly suffer. Because of this information, laws were passed against treating animals inhumanely; however, we still hear about examples of cruelty in animal testing to this day. In the past, animal testing has helped create lifesaving medicines and procedures, but it should not be allowed anymore because despite laws, companies continue to abuse animals, and new technologies are continuing to be developed everyday that can replace animal testing. …show more content…
“Animal-based research has led to important advances in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, and diabetes.” (Hunnicutt, 2013). For example, childhood Leukemia used to be nearly impossible to survive. Now because of animal experimentation, children diagnosed today have an 80% survival rate. Animal testing has also improved the treatment of diabetes. ”Several new treatments and medicines, including development of quick-acting and long-acting insulins, islet transplantation for type 1 diabetes, and new drugs to treat type 2 diabetes are helping patients manage their disease.” (Hunnicutt, 2013). There is no doubt that animal testing has been beneficial, but there is no need for deliberate

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