Animals all around the world are used for testing and research. People always wonder why people use animals. They ask why would scientist put these innocent creatures through something horrible. It has been proven that scientist use about 100 million animals for testing and research each year. From personal research, I have seen many inhumane things happen to these creatures that should not happen.…
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration admits that more than half of their experiments involving animals result in the trash because the difficulty of handling with animals are producing false information. Animal testing is unpredictable because the condition of each individual animal and species will vary. Clearly, experimenting with animals is unreasonable, dangerous, and…
I'm going to be doing animal testing for my eight page argumentative essay. I see all the time on facebook, Twitter and other social media about someone getting arrested for beating their animal . And they even post pictures online . I think animal testing abuse because it's wrong .…
Intro: Across the world there are millions of different animals stuck inside cold, lonely cages in testing facilities waiting for a chance to roam free and escape their pain filled lives. The pointless suffering animals go through during animal testing is cruel, dangerous, and often ineffective. Imagine your life as a prisoner, trapped inside a cage your whole life even though you have committed no crime. Not only are animals deprived of a free life, they are often subject to painful tests and experiments.…
Imagine a world without vaccines. What starts as a small cough can grow into something much worse, and without the proper medicine to treat our infections and illnesses, we can land ourselves in an early grave. Because of the discoveries made by scientists with the help of animal testing, we’ve gained access to many different kinds of medicine and antibiotics. Animal testing has been used for years to improve our lives, but many people believe it is cruel and inhumane. These people are commonly known as animal rights activists, but they’ve also been called antivivisectionists.…
I saw the scientist’s lab coat blowing in the hallway fan, as he was using some weird language to talk to someone. I tried to move into a hiding spot, but I could not move due to the burn on my leg. He came in and grabbed my favorite food and threw it into a weird bucket. He took some new food in a green bag and started to put it in my bowl. It tasted disgusting so I did not eat it.…
“Approximately 100,000-200,000 animals suffer and die just for cosmetics every year around the world,” said Michael Sharp, a writer for the All Animals magazine (Sharp). Animal testing should be illegal. Everyone should take part in the petition to ban animal testing. Animal Testing is cruel, there are better alternatives, and it’s impractical. The illegalization of animal testing would be beneficial to the welfare of animals around the world.…
Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of humans, sharing 96 percent of our DNA.(Animal Experimentation) This fact makes it easy to understand why animal experimentation is filled with so much controversy. Animal medical experimentation causes undue stress and trauma to animals and does not advance modern medicine and it should be illegal. Animals in labs suffer pain and severe stress in day-to-day laboratory life. It’s unethical to sentence 100 million thinking, feeling animals to live in a cage.…
Why Products Shouldn’t Be Tested On Animals Imagine being locked up in a cold cage with nothing you can say or do to get out, to be locked up your entire life like a prisoner when you have done nothing wrong. This is how millions of animals are feeling right now, not knowing that they will go through a painful procedure that could harm or even kill them. This is animal abuse. 67 percent of people believe that it is wrong for animals to be tested on, and I am one of them.…
Animal experimentation refers to a biomedical research method that is based on the studying live animals. Chemical substances deemed as heavily poisonous for humans are used in the animal tissues as reliable models for human beings. However, in reality, every species is different b terms of their immunology, physiology, gene expression or anatomy, meaning that each animal can only be its own model. In many ways, animal experimentation causes harm to human beings. For one, new chemical substances that perhaps have not been screened properly are used in human, but as a result of natural basic methodical errors they put the lives of human at risk occupied by diligence in response rates by every organism.…
Many people are against animal research because they believe that it is under the category of animal abuse, but the results show otherwise. Each year, more than 1 million animals are used in experiments and there is an estimated 100 million mice and rats used for research as well. They are used for positive reasons biology lessons, medical training, chemical, food, drugs, and cosmetics testing. In a biological point of view, human beings are similar to species such as mice and rats because we share the same set of genes. Their bodies respond to disease and treatments just like human beings.…
Ever since peta was founded in 1980, and even before then, there has always been a backing of going cruelty-free and animal rights in general. It was and still is a fight for a good cause across the globe. Although, testing on animals has been around for a while doesn’t mean we couldn’t use a change for the better. Humans must strive forward as a society to make a conscious effort to go cruelty free. What is humanity if we don’t strive to grow and progress?…
Animal activists are trying to save animals and their rights. In a Youtube video from CNN, two anti-animal testing people and two pro-animal testing people had a debate if animal testing is necessary. Tom Holder spoke out that animal research has been able to save people with cancer and that people need a better understanding of it. Peter Young stated that animals deserve their freedom and have a brain just like humans. Cutting open animals is pointless and puts animals to suffer.…
Recent studies have revealed that more than one million animals die every year due to animal experimentation. Testing is legal in more than eighty percent of the world. There are extremely few countries that are cruelty free or are working on being cruelty free such as, The United States, Taiwan, Canada, Brazil, Australia and others. More than one million animals die due to experimentation. People have created organizations like PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals), CAAT (center for alternatives for animal testing) and the ECEAE (European coalition to end animal experiments) do everything in their power to prevent more countries from supporting animal testing and cruelty.…
Now days, society can volunteer themselves in clinical drug research for a monetary exchange. With modern science “we can see inside peoples’ brains using imaging machines or test microscopic amounts of new drugs harmlessly on volunteers.” ( the campaign to end animal experiments, pg 7) Humans are more willing to volunteer themselves for the money, but also because strict health and safety precautions are put in place for their well-being at all times during the study. Humans can also communicate their side effects and pain occurrence which provides sound and optimal results for future modifications and or dosages. Unfortunately, animals cannot communicate these important factors, which in turn is useless.…