Arguments Against Animal Testing Ethics

Decent Essays
Temple Grandin stated “I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do but we’ve got to do it right.We’ve got to give those animals a decent life and we’ve got to give them painless death. We owe the animals respect.”One way the animals are used in our life is like as pet many humans beings have many of animals as their pet they love them like they are supposed to be loved .They are not in this world for people to harm them.The second way is like children some people can’t have kids, so when a baby puppy or a kitten or any kind of animal is born they would keep them until the animals die or the person that is taking care of them dies then they would give it to the animal shelter when animals are taken care for nicely the animals will love the owner that is how some humans use the animals like.Animals are even used to test products such as soap,polio vaccine,and shampoo.Animal testing should not occur because in con paragraph 1 it said that ”irritation caused by shampoos and other product,involves rabbits being incapacitated in stocks with their eyelids held open by clips.”

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