Cons Of Medical Marijuana

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Medical marijuana is a booming industry as people begin to learn the health benefits of it. There has been a long debate whether it is good or bad, or is it a drug or medication. In the past there hasn’t been much research but as it pushes through the boundaries it is becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare setting. Patients that depend heavily on narcotics normally cannot function from day to day, but marijuana is giving them the relief they need from the pain. It is allowing them to be more involved in their lives. Many people think that marijuana will make you want to lay around and sleep all day and eat tons of food, while some of these things may be true it is not entirely true. There are different types of marijuana …show more content…
People are for it and people are against it. States have legalized it despite the federal laws that hang over head that claim it is unlawful to use. As we go forward with this topic, we will begin to dissect the issue and evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of this plant that many consider a drug. This paper will cover many details which will help one discover the effects it has on the body and if it is truly unhealthy. (Reiman, A. Jan.2007) The federal government claims that there have not been enough scientific studies to justify whether or not that marijuana has any health benefits. They have classified it as a schedule 1 drug because of this and its nature of being an abused drug. States have been battling for its legalization for medical or recreational use. There have been even circumstances where counties have battled with the state for legalization. (Childers, S …show more content…
People use to would have to smoke the plant, but now it has been incorporated into just about any food possible. This is big news considering many of the harmful effects marijuana had was by having to smoke it. Today, a person can stop by a dispensary (shop that sells marijuana and marijuana products) and purchase a bag of gummy bears that have the key ingredient of THC which when ingested will deliver a high similar to smoking without the harmful carcinogens. This is a big breakthrough for the medical marijuana industry, but it also has its drawbacks. Having such a powerful drug in the form of candy can make the risks for having children consume them more easily. This potent form of the plant can make a child very ill or even cause death. (Dresser, R.

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