Medical Marijuana Annotated Bibliography

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Should Medical Marijuana be Federally Legalized: An Annotated Bibliography
David C. Peters II. “Patients and Caregivers Report Using Medical Marijuana to
Decrease Prescription Narcotics Use.” Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, vol. 35, 2013, pp. 24–40. JSTOR, JSTOR,
This article mainly focuses on the topic of marijuana vs opiates and if it decreases the use of opiates. Opiates are drugs that when taken, don’t help that much with some serious medical conditions, and they cause you too feel very ill after usage. This article says that marijuana is an all-natural remedy that has a much more prominent and stronger effect on the users conditions, has no side effect, and no risk of overdose. Patients in the
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This source was very helpful. It can be used to explain the topic of medical marijuana and epilepsy, and see the good effects on people that suffer from the condition. This site is a mix of too scholarly and too general, but it has narrowed my topic since this is a specific part of my topic. This didn’t change my views on my topic.
Maia Szalavitz. “Is Medical Marijuana Safe for Children?” Time, Time, 28 Nov. 2012, This article speaks about marijuana usage with children and how it is viewed from opposing standpoints. A mother gives her 7 year old child a gram of oral cannabis every day. She lives in Oregon where its legal, but still deals with the judgement from people who look at it from a recreational standpoint. Her daughter had been diagnosed with leukemia, and has to deal with chemotherapy. Since chemotherapy is so strong that it makes your hair fall out, she has do deal with all the other side effects, such as nausea and vomiting. She takes medical marijuana and it eases the pain for her. The effects of drugs on child development are unknown, but opiates like morphine and OxyContin, can easily cause overdose. Marijuana can be addictive, but it is nowhere near to how addictive opiates are. Withdrawal symptoms in opiates are much worse than in marijuana. If kids
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It’s also a little current, as it was published in 2012. This research is objective as it tells a story and gives facts that have been proven by experts and studied in the field. This also has proof to back up their claims. The facts are well documented, despite the fact this does not have charts or visuals. This source is a nice source, but not the best one I have. The author is Maia Szalavitz, and she is a neuroscience journalist that works for time, so she is very qualified. This is a popular source, being on a widely renowned magazine

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