An argumentative essay
Submitted to:
Ms .Monica Tugade
Faculty, CEAS, De La Salle Lipa
Partially fulfilment in the requirement of the subject in Comski1
Submitted by:
Clyde Jewel C. Solis
September 25 2014 1
Title: The Legalization of marijuana as a cure
Thesis Statement: Medical marijuana should be legalize in the Philippines because it can cure asthma, epilepsy, depression and cancer
Problem: should marijuana be legalize medical alternative in the Philippines
1. Introduction
1.1. The purpose of medical marijuana
1.2. Catholic church supports medical marijuana
2. How marijuana is used
2.1. Medicinal alternative
2.2. Past time
3. The views of government in the use of marijuana …show more content…
According to Socrates Villegas, archbishop and chairman of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference, “Catholic health care ethics, in fact, considers as morally justifiable the use of marijuana for terminal cancer patients in severe pain”. It implies that it supports medicinal use of cannabis because it stands to help many suffering people in the country. Because of the suffering patients in the Philippines, medical marijuana should be legal in the country. If it would provide relief to sick people then it is …show more content…
Here is the point, whatever the marijuana is doing to one’s sick body he would just don’t care but focus on the result that he was cured, in order to promote the right to health of the people and cure ill patient in the Philippines, marijuana should be legal. It supports the medicinal use of cannabis because it stands to help many people, stated by the Catholic Church. It doesn’t mean that if the other user(s) are addicted in using medical marijuana in wrong way, it should not be illegal. It should be legalize because the medical cannabis can cure illnesses such as asthma, epilepsy, depression, and even cancer. Every life that saves by the medical marijuana is being celebrated by a group of writers that want the medical cannabis to be legalized because a single life is so precious. As actor Rafael Rosell stated, you know when you care for a family member, “you become desperate and you want to find a cure for