Blunt Truth Research Paper

Great Essays
Christina Younis
Professor Ryan Siemers
ENGL 1301 December 2, 2015 The Blunt Truth Long before the United States was even an idea, many cultures such as the ancient Chinese used a plant called Marijuana for various medical reasons. Till this day, many doctors still use it in modern medicine. In the 1930's however, the Tobacco Association funded a movie called “Reefer Madness” which successfully caused many people to believe that marijuana will eventually cause death and serious dangerous behavior based on no medical evidence. Although marijuana does not cause an addiction, the plant has been classified as a schedule I substance which not only means it is considered to be a
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Some might even argue that it damages the lungs, the immune system, and even the brain. They also claim that marijuana's benefits have been glamorized and over exaggerated by people who abuse the drug for recreational use. In an interesting article by Bob Enyart, he argues that Marijuana, although it does have its health benefits, should remain a controlled substance which should only made available by prescription. He goes on to explain by saying marijuana should never be an over-the-counter substance not only because he thinks the marijuana plant has a few serious risks which are even worse than alcohol intoxication, but he argues that such substances are morally wrong in the eyes of god. Although it is true that marijuana, just like any other medication, might have a few possible side effects when abused such as: impaired learning capabilities, elevated heart beat and disorientation; these side effects are usually very easy to avoid when using marijuana in the proper way. It’s also important to mention that these symptoms that are mainly caused from the "high" effect usually subside within a few hours. Unlike other drugs and even pharmaceutical medications, marijuana is never life threatening and an overdose is yet to be …show more content…
What this means is that instead of prisons being filled with real criminals and people who deserve to be in prison, they are being filled with people who don’t really deserve to be there. For example, although the crime rate has significantly dropped in Colorado ever since the legalization of marijuana, taxpayers are obligated to pay an additional $2 million as an occupancy

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