Twenty three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws to legalizing marijuana in some form. Recreationally, four states have already legalized marijuana. Columbia allows the possession of small amounts of marijuana. Alaska also allows anyone of twenty one years of age or older to buy/own or transport up to one ounce of marijuana and six personal plants. Oregon will be allowing adults own eight ounces in their homes but only one ounce with the person in public, taking part on July 1. In some states criminal penalties were reduced for possession of small amounts of the drug. The legalization of marijuana will show little by little as it advances (“State…”). Just like any medicinal substance, there is cons to the use. There is several sources against the use of marijuana. Mostly because of its label. Medical marijuana is able to risk defects on mental health. Marijuana is powerful and can effect both mind and body. Outside of medical use purposes it can get the user high. The chemical in cannabis that gets you high could get children high. Parents don’t want their kids to be “pot heads”. It does scare parents when they hear about all of the little and minor defects of its medical use …show more content…
This drug could help with many different symptoms. Marijuana acts as a superhero to certain patients. With medical marijuana being legalized a lot of people who need the medicine will be able to get the help they need. Marijuana is not harmful. It doesn’t have a negative effect on the human body like other manned drugs. Marijuana can also be genetically altered, doctors can change the potency and whether or not it has a high present. Doctors can also regulate the amount of marijuana their patient consumes. Marijuana can be used to give an appetite back to patients with anorexia. Marijuana can also help cancer patients going through chemotherapy with the pain it causes and regain of appetite. Studies also show marijuana being able to relieve forms of nausea. Doctors also have used marijuana for major pain relief. Marijuana is a mind opener and is very safe to use (“The Benefits…”