Argumentative Essay On Medical Marijuana

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Register to read the introduction… Writings from ancient India confirm that its psychoactive properties were recognized, and doctors used it for a variety of illnesses and ailments.Marijuana can reduce the nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting from the condition itself and the medications as well.Marijuana relieves the internal eye pressure of glaucoma, with relieving the pain and slowing or even stopping the condition.Many side effects of the medication to stop cancer can be relieved with medical cannabis, some studies suggest that Marijuana tends to slow down the progress of some types of cancer.Muscle pain, spasticity, tremors and unsteadiness are some of the effects caused by the disease that can be relieved by Marijuana in some patients, epileptic seizures can be prevented with Marijuana use.Medicinal Cannabis helps to alleviate the pain caused from many types of injuries and disorders. Even though mild anxiety is a common side effect in some users, cannabis can elevate your mood and expand the mind.(Medicinal Marijuana).(Argument 5) Many have began to believe that the system is being taken over by those who simply want to get high. The abuse is caused by doctors that prescribe the drug to conditions not covered under the law, and patients whom lie about their symptoms to acquire the drug. Abuse in the system commonly occurs with symptoms being easily faked.Another area of abuse includes the diversion of medical marijuana for …show more content…
Other countries around the world have much less stricter laws towards marijuana. In countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia, they encourage the use of medical marijuana and give exemption of pursuing criminal charges to distributors. In Holland they encourage lots of small business owners to allow smoking and eating of marijuana. Another way marijuana can be consumed is by baking the cannabis in different types of food, which then allows a different type of high. The high supposedly is more of a body high, which differs from smoking marijuana or taking a pill. But Holland encourages local bake shops to “cook” marijuana within their foods. Holland’s tourism rates have increased slightly since the legalization of marijuana. Portugal, which has no laws against any drug of any kind. All drugs from marijuana to cocaine, to heroin are legal. Prison costs drastically changed and statistics show that the crime rate went down, including fewer arrests. It allows the law enforcement to put their main focus and priority towards catching more serious criminals such as murders, rapists and theft. The most important aspect is the use of marijuana decreased. Showing that making something illegal, gives the user the thrill of breaking the law and by going through with using the drug. But when marijuana is legal, the thrill is gone, and less people will

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