Argumentative Essay: Bridget Frye's Case

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On June 30, 1899, Bridget Frye, Michael Bushman and Leesa Key Barkley were involved in a car and motorcycle collision. A police arrive at the scene at three forty four pm, reporting that the roads were dry and the weather was clear. His report also detailed that Mr. Bushman tried to pass Ms. Frye’s car when she suddenly turned into the motorcycle causing them to crash and slide off the road. Ms. Barkley was a passenger on the motorcycle and suffered injuries to her left ankle. In her deposition she testified that Ms. Frye’s car was straddling the right white line, leaving her to believe that the car was turning right. Ms. Frye’s actions led Mr. Bushman to believe that she would be turning right and it was safe for him to pass her. Mid-pass

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