Hunting is the process of killing an animal for food or sport (Hester 14). To some people hunting is considering cruel, however what they do not know is it actually helps the population stay healthy. Healthy animals means healthy meat. Our ancestors had …show more content…
Competition plays a major role in controlling population. Many animals will die from starvation or get diseases and parasits(Bolen). Hunting helps with this because it decreases some of the population. Predators, like humans can help maintain the quality of the prey population(Bolen). So what this means is the population will be healthy. So with a healthy population means the young will b well taken care of and very healthy. With the over population of animals comes stress, causing them to become agressive. Some will not breed. Females will not take care of the young which will reduce the populaton(Bolen). If animals are becoming agressive chances are they will try and bully other animals and try and fight which could lead to death of that animal. If the females will not take care of their young they will probably die also. This will reduce the population in a bad …show more content…
Most people do this for food also, just the memories you can make while hunting. Very few people today still hunt for clothes. It is something that has pretty well gone out of style for most of the world. Hunting is a legal sport regulated by laws that vary from state to state(Warhol). Many states will allow you to hunt with a rifle which allows for longer shots. Some will only allow shotguns meaning you will have to use different ammunation and what ever game you are hunting it will have to get much closer. In some cases this causes hunters to do illegal things to bait the animals in closer. Many good hunters will report this activity to conservation. Hunting teaches very good wildlife managment, and helps maintain long term health(Warhol). Hunting does teach very very good wildlife managment if you take some of the bigger more agressive animals out you give a good chance for the smaller animals to get bigger. So in the long run this will cause that population to have long term