and use the APA Template paper. Be sure your paper follows APA style according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA…
Dates and Types of Services: His DDA case manager Heidi Pless on 5/2/16 referred Hunter Davis to counseling. 15 hours was approved to assess the benefit of counseling and to build a therapeutic alliance Hunter has attended 13 sessions with this provider and his attendance has been good. His sessions have occurred at 45-55 minutes in duration. Session structure has consisted of building rapport and trust, identifying presenting problems in Hunter’s life, creating therapy goals, and discussing life events that are considered stressors for him. It will be very important to build trust through a therapeutic relationship to open the channels of communication needed to address repressed memories of abuse.…
Review of ACARA Documents After the review of ACARA documents in particular History Year 10 () this paper will conclude that a Humanistic worldview taints the overall direction of the prescriptive curriculum allowing for a personalized model of learning in flexible classrooms. Underpinning this view are the key proponents of Maslow, Roger and Knowles whom research in terms of self actualization, teacher as facilitator have moved away from the pre enlightenment era of teacher directed, conforming and competition driven instruction. While hints of other worldviews arise such as post modernism one could argue there has been a deliberate omit of Christian worldview. Calvin Christian School set up in 1962 marked the dissonance in mainstream…
Many students weren’t introduced to MLA or APA formatting before being admitted into college. Therefore, they must spend extra time…
3.2 Sampling I found my research participants through snowball sampling. Snowball sampling is a well established practice of asking respondents to recommend other possible research participants. Which in my case, the respondents willingly helped to share my survey link. The big advantage of this method is that it increases the number of respondents because people become more positive towards a researcher and are more willing to cooperate when introduced to someone they know. With snowball sampling, participants in the research are more likely to know each other and thus have a bigger chance of sharing a particular background and characteristics that are likely to colour their views and opinions.…
During the writing of my analysis I learned that in MLA format your name and the page number should be included in the top corner. I learned that the page number and your name should be in the top right corner, and that the heading is on the left side. I think overall I did pretty well with the page citation and paraphrases. The page citation was pretty simple, but even though the paraphrases were more difficult I believe I still did pretty well with them. I don’t believe I had any problems with either, I think I understood them well.…
It is required of papers that are submitted for peer review to be in this format. I, for one, have a very hard time remembering all of the rules in APA formatting. I have to continuously look back into the writing center for guidelines as I work on referencing cited work.…
Rollins’ article is an easy-to-read examination of a common Southern utterance. The text is well-researched and extremely readable, providing insight into the growth of this phenomenon. His constant examples make his claims easy to understand and often invoke the thought that reader has said or heard a similar phrase before. For those who use the phrase be like as a quotative, the article provides an excellent explanation of its origins, possibilities, and meanings.…
I had no idea what APA format was or how to cite properly. However, the APA citations links that my professor provided were very useful and helped me be successful with the rest of my essays. The videos guided me step by step and were very simple to understand other different type of formats such as MLA, and Chicago. Another resource that was very helpful, were the online class discussions. Online discussions not only helped me interact with my classmates, but helped me broaden my knowledge about the material.…
Vocabulary Test “Admonish the interlopers who vehemently despair over their plight of…” blasphemy. This confusing, jumbled sentence represents the vocabulary units as a whole , this school year. Although we, students, may understand these words now, their significance in this course is not as understood. Out of the 140 words we have learned this year, there were less than five on the AP exam: “choleric, vicarious, urbane, etc.”…
A few months ago, when I was still in high school as a Senior I was placed in an AP English course because of the program I was in. The program placed all the students in the course regardless of if they were considered AP English ready. During the course, there were over several writing assignments, each on novels or quotes. However, my teacher kept informing me that my writing needs to improve to reach the college level. Yet I continued to complete assignments without understanding the mistakes, simply to earn the grade for because I turned an essay in.…
APA lets the reader know about the sources and gives them credit. The purpose of an intext citation is to give credit to the source. The reader will see the in-text citation and see where you got the information and the reader will decide whether that source is reliable or not. You should always cite a source when you are quoting, using an idea, stating an opinion or fact. “Megan McArdle explains in this article that more than half of the students that graduate can’t find a job.…
Basically, I have chosen to go back to school because I can‘t make it in this world without it. No one takes you serious unless you have a degree to back up everything you already know. its probably the only way to get recognized for your talent. I am trying to get my degree to prove that I am as smart and as worthy as anyone else is. I can do great things and be an effective leader.…
Global Warming 7/31/16 APA Format Ernest Wilson AMU / HIST 102 Professor Marc Wenner There are many issues in the world which are affecting the earth and its people. Global warming is one of the significant issues which results in impacting the environment of the earth. Global warming consists of a continuous rise in the temperature of the earth. The temperature is rising so significantly that it has become uncontrollable even after considering the technological advancements.…