Red Cross will have an extensive first aid kit that will include medical supplies as simple as bandages to the more advanced supplies such as an IV drip. There will also be easily accessible emergency kits that will include, “one gallon per person, per day” of water as well as other needed supplies indicated by the CDC (Get a Kit). Red Cross will also have the most needed medications such as Aspirin and insulin. Red Cross will have trained professionals that can provide medical attention to those in need. These will include doctors to treat minor injuries as well as pharmacists to fill and medicines needed. For those that need extensive medical treatment, Red Cross will provide transportation to hospitals. There will be clinics within Red Cross shelters that will allow the doctors and pharmacists the supplies they need. These clinics will also provide a sterile place for the trained professionals to work. Red Cross hopes to have self-sufficient shelters meaning that almost all needs of a person can be met within the shelter. Having a sufficient medical facility within the shelter is one of the most important aspects of these …show more content…
Red Cross will have the common supplies needed for the people that come in such as; generators, canned foods, water, medical and cooking supplies, and cots to sleep in. However, if a citizen has things such as personal supplies, bedding, more canned foods, water, or clothing, he or she should bring these things to assist the Red Cross in providing the needed supplies. Red Cross will also have needed medical supplies as stated earlier in the plan. If supplies is needed, there will be scout teams assembled by Red Cross associates to scout the area for the needed supplies. Red Cross makes it a goal to provide most needed items for people that are without, so we try to supply as much as