The Judge then handed the floor to the plaintiff attorney Richard Whitley introduced himself and his client which was named Michelle Moore. The defendant name was Joshua Muniz. He stated that the case was a motor vehicle accident and had already been trialed at a criminal court, which Defendant Muniz had plead guilty and was on probation and has severed community service for committing the crime. Moore was now suing for Punitive damages and mental anguish for damages that were occurred during the accident.…
A Professor of Law at George Mason University wrote an article about the jury nullification in the Washington Post. In it he focuses of various aspects that make this process so interesting and contradicting. The author give his personal view on jury nullification and his initial attitude toward it. Jury nullification can be seen as a two edged sword, because it is not applied on constant and consistent basis. The author, Ilya Somin agrees that it can curb unjust laws, however it can backfire.…
For the last 250 years, U.S. citizens have been given a controversial option of a jury or bench trial. Not everyone agrees with the bench trials. Although jury trials sound like a good idea, it is actually true that bench trials are better because it guarantees the right verdict almost all the time. Jury trials choose ordinary citizens off the street. For example, with the society today, people cannot stay off their phone, which makes them vulnerable to hearing or gathering false details about the trial.…
Over the years, jury systems have precedent the way we reach a verdict based on the trial. Moreover, it has been proven that jury systems have shaped Americans to be self-governors (Document B). Evidence shows that in a twelve month period bench trials have only 65 percent of criminals that have been convicted and 87 percent of criminals have been convicted in jury trials (Document A). This proves that jury systems are able to prosecute more and deliver more justice than bench trials. To begin, I support jury systems based on open minded peers reaching a verdict, prevention of corruption, and civic participation/knowledge for citizens.…
It is important to mention that though we use the Ancient Grecian legal system, in addition to juries, we also have judges deciding the fate of a defendant party. Ultimately, no matter which method we use: judge, jury or both, there may be some bias within the trial. Bias ' create complications for most Canadian courtrooms as Lady Justice is looked upon to allow everyone equal opportunity. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Though wrongful convictions are a reality in our court system, I suspect that we would have a lot more if the legal system were just to rely upon a judge or jury — especially in severe legal cases.…
courts. She also provides multiple examples through history, such as the U.S. revolution and prohibition, where jury nullification has had a large impact on shaping our nation. Insight provided by courtroom professionals benefits both the negative and positive effects of nullification. Diamond’s study puts the issue of nullification into perspective when she explains how rare nullification actually occurs and places trust in our juries because they contain the values that represent our society. Heffernan’s argument for the positive effects of jury nullification seems to outweigh the negative effects.…
The formation of the group is more in task orientation which all twelve jurors have common goal to be achieved. In the movie, the jurors are choice based on difference background and experience and the reason for the teams form is to fulfil his civic duty and social responsibility. The jurors have no relationships between each and other and they will not retain any relationship after the trial. It clearly show the negotiation process is a one off with served the short term purpose. The decision style is more analytical which…
The key topic that is under debate throughout this paper is jury nullification and how its procedures work within the justice system, as well as some of its strengths and weaknesses. There is quite a bit of controversy surrounding jury nullification being used as a primary rectification in the justice system as it tends to make equal outcomes become unequal outcomes. Jury nullification is a process in which a jury reaches a verdict of not guilty despite the fact that the defendant is actually guilty of the actions he or she is being charged for. The jury nullifies a law that is believed to be immorally wrong or wrongfully applied to the defendant.…
I agree with your post that grand juries function as an investigative entity and a protector of the people. However some people think the grand jury should be abolished because even though it is an impartial body it has been criticized due to its one-sidedness. Furthermore as noted by Ric Simmons in his journal article, the grand jury never had any real power to protect the people because the power of the grand jury fluctuate depending on procedural rules (Simmons, 2002). It appears to that some people are calling for a reform of the grand jury that are ostensibly designed to re-invigorate this institution and restore its functionality. According to one why to restore legitimacy to the grand have representation, each community should have…
The topic of jury nullification has long incited debate, with strong opinions on both sides. Paul Butler a former Special Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Columbia, claims jury nullification is necessary in order to fight laws that are racially unjust and argues that African-American jurors should exercise their right of nullification and it is their moral responsibility to emancipate some guilty black outlaws (Butler, 1995, p. 679). Jury nullification, occurs when jurors deliberately vote to acquit a defendant, regardless of evidence presented to establish the defendant’s guilt (Spohn, 2009, p. 68). It is a mechanism employed by prosecutors to encourage jurors to disregard the law and evidence and acquit defendants (Horowitz,…
On November 22, 2016, I sat in courtroom 507 of the Fresno County Superior Court, under the Honorable Judge Timothy Kams. Judge Kams was conducting a jury selection for a jury trial dealing with a felony DUI case. During the jury selection, I witnessed a Venire. A venire or jury pool, is a master list or jury list, from which a petit panel is selected, typically is based on names drawn from voter registration lists or lists of licensed drivers over eighteen years of age (Lippmann, 2014, p.518). I also witnessed a Voir Dire.…
Jury nullification is important to the study of race, class, gender, crime and the administration of justice because it can determine if there 's truly unfair treatment within the judicial system. It can also determine if the judgment of our peers is racially motivated or just. Jury nullification has roots in the English common law and it occurs when a jury believes that the evidence presented at the trial establishes the defendant’s guilt but nonetheless votes to acquit (Walker, Spohn, & DeLone, 2011). An example of jury nullification is the George Zimmerman 's case, in which he was acquitted of murdering an African American teenager. The decision cannot be reversed and he cannot be tried again for the same convictions in the same case.…
A reason that supports the idea of scrapping the jury system is the lack of…
Imagine, you have lived your life without cause, you are a law abiding citizen, you have never been in trouble, furthermore, your life is established, your married, you have kids, the perfect job, life is excellent. Then one day, by haps, you are stopped, detained, arrested, charged with a crime, not just a crime, a violent crime, a crime that is unspeakable, child molestation! Your life is upside down, your wife, your family, your friends, even your co-workers all look at you differently. However, your innocent, and you protest such, to everyone who is willing to listen to you, however, you cannot get over the fact that no one is listening to your cries, now your life is in the hands of strangers, a prosecutor, defense attorney, judge, and…
Throughout the early 1900’s, women were viewed by society as inferior to men. Those of the female sex were expected to cook, clean, and only speak when spoken to. Susan Glaspell criticizes these concepts in one of the most well known forms of feminist literature, “A Jury of Her Peers”. The story’s central point focuses on the murder of John Wright committed by his wife Minnie as the Hales and the Peters investigate the crime scene. Despite the women finding valuable evidence substantiating the crime, their husbands viewed their discoveries as petty trifles that only women worry about.…