In “All Can Be Lost,” Nicholas Carr, writer of NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and Wired, warns that the advancement in technology can lead to the deterioration of human skills. Carr explains that humans are so involved in finding ways for robots and drones to do their jobs that they are forgetting how to innovate and translate information into knowledge. Losing the ability to translate information also limits humans from being able to think deeper and try and understand new topics. Once humans stop thinking deeper, robots will soon take on jobs that humans had and turn humans into screen watchers instead of real workers. These screen watchers are also losing their agency to choose because the robots are …show more content…
Kelly talks about how robots take away human’s meaningless day to day jobs to help people become better humans. If robots take human jobs, this gives humans more time to express themselves, let their creativity out, and think in new ways. When people aren’t stressed or worried about doing their grueling jobs, they have time to look at the world in a different light. Robots are so important to society because there are so many things that robots currently do that humans are not able to do. They are more precise, and their margin for error is quite smaller than humans. Once robots are fully working, they are more precise, as well as more efficient. Robots can also manufacture more while decreasing costs. Robots are a great benefit to the workforce, but once they are assigned to a job previously had by a human, where will the humans work? Kelly’s whole theory is that humans will be able to discover who they are with new jobs because robots have taken their previous ones. Kelly believes that letting humans invent new methods for robots to do their old jobs will help everyone discover what it really means to be