They have provided the community of medicine with the idea of a “pain free” surgeries, due to a thing called Anesthesia, the injection of a drug before and during the surgery. Since being around from World War I to today, the services of anesthesia delivered have changed. Nurse anesthetists also known as CRNA’s have helped in variety of ways, ranging from working around in physician offices, ER rooms, trauma care, or even dentist offices. They have shown that anesthesia is essential for surgeries and is a career that requires dedication along with time. Accordingly, CRNA’s administer more than 32 million aesthetics to patients each year in the United States. (“Nurse Anesthetist”). Ultimately, the development of medicine has provided new ways for us in our state of …show more content…
In the world of medicine, the open drop method was developed, by a surgeon, this helped prevent Anesthetists from giving too much of the anesthesia agent too rapidly. It involved using chloroform by placing a cloth over the patient’s mouth, and dropping drops of the anesthesia until they would lose consciousness (Goode 53). It was technique that revolutionized anesthesia. Evan Koch, a CRNA, wrote “Magaw perfected and popularized this “great secret” of open drop anesthesia and changed anesthesia practice forever” (Koch 34). Over the days, surgeons would send their nurses to Magaw in Rochester, Minnesota, just to learn how she administered and executed the open drop ether. Magaw began to develop a reputation on her well done technique establishing 14,000 anesthetics without one single death (Koch 34). A big part of this was also due to the how she approached situations the way anesthetists never imagined. Alice Magaw would approach her patients with confidence, something that appeared very distinct than anyone had ever done back then. According to Magaw, anesthesia had to be given slowly, to also be able to ease off the stress and fear of what the patient was about to undergo (Goode