According to Occupational Handbook, the median wage for a CRNA is $157,140 annually. CRNA positions have a projected growth of 53,400 jobs between 2014 and 2024.
There are advantages and disadvantages of work hours depending on the type of facility a CRNA chooses to work. Most hospitals work a twelve-hour shift three days a week with the possibility of being on call. Some might see the long hours and a short work week to be an advantage because it is a three-day work week with a four-day weekend. Doctor offices typically work traditional hours, 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday with a two-day weekend. I believe I have strong personality strengths that match this career, I am a fast critical thinker. My past fifteen years’ experience as a Commercial Diving Supervisor where every decision has to be analytically correct or the potential of someone getting hurt is high. As for a CRNA position I can analyze data from monitors quickly and multitask at the same time. I have always had the ability to see “the big picture” and anticipate if something is not correct. I have the ability to stay calm and rationally think in high-stress situations making it easier to react quickly and correctly to mitigate problematic