Essay On Anaesthetic Nursing Practice

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The Grattan Institute strongly suggested the anaesthetic nursing practice must be taken into present day demand. The basic nursing practice in the anaesthetic nursing profession must rise from assistant to the anaesthetist to a nurse anaesthetist providing health care services focusing on the medical model of care. This will enable our anaesthetic nurses to help create solutions to our health care services by providing competent and affordable anaesthetic care services. Advancement of anaesthetic nursing practice will arrange a resolution to cut the cost of health care services, resolve the long waiting list specifically for patients who are waiting to have surgery and other diagnostic procedures where anaesthesia is required. The importance of adopting nurse anaesthetist in our health care system appeared to be an advantage to Australian health care. What have not examine, which is highly considered as the gap of the studies in the nurse anaesthetist profession and practice globally is the position and inclination of anaesthetic nurses/registered nurses and the health care consumers towards having nurse anaesthetist in the health care workforce who provide …show more content…
The present roles and responsibilities of anaesthetic nurses clearly defined anaesthetic nurses as registered nurse assistant to the anaesthetist, moreover, in Australia, there is no nurse practitioner in anaesthetic. There are considerable established postgraduate anaesthetic nursing courses offered by different universities and health institutions but these courses has never provided significant success advancing the practice of anaesthetic nursing in the country, instead it brought in confusion as to what course is required amongst the courses offered by universities, furthermore these courses are not strictly required by employers nor considered as an advantage to have

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