In 2015 nationwide 20% of students in grades 9-12 get bullied Alex Libby is a teen activist that was bullied every day in school he would come home very sad and not want to talk to people about getting bullied. He and his brother were both bullied and his brother lost his life to bullies. Alex's brother committed suicide on himself by hanging himself in a closet. Alex Libby
Alex Libby had a very hard elementary year he was bullied all the time. Alex Libby's brother lost his life to bullies he went into his closet and hung himself because he was bullied. As Alex was getting bullied he would not tell people why he was sad and why he would come home depressed and in tears. Alex was mainly bullied on the bus and in the halls but not in classes because the teachers were watching. Alex is now 16 years in age and he does not get bullied anymore he gets hugs and smiles in the hall. Alex would get bullied on and off of school which made it hard to make friends so he did …show more content…
Alex was bullied most of the time on the bus because there is no teacher on the bus. Alex has bullied his whole life his bullying experience is over he is no longer bullied. Alex’s brothers lost his life from bullies which were hard for Alex's family. In the whole world, 13000 kids get bullied every day which is a lot this needs to stop! Alex’s principle did not care he was bullied in school which is bad for the school's reputation.
What did the bullies do
As Alex was getting bullied all the bullies did very mean thing such as. They would call him fish face because of the way he looked, which, is very mean to call people names off of their looks. The bullies made other kids not want to be around him because they would threaten the other kids that did like Alex. Other kids would say he was not the same or not normal which made him feel lonely because he had no