Argumentative Essay: Alcohol Should Be Banned

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Every year thousands of people consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Alcohol is one of the leading causes of life threatening diseases. Alcohol is shown to be good and that it helps make you happy or helps you have a better time; however, alcohol is a slow poison to the body and the mind. Therefore alcohol should be banned because it influences people to make bad decisions, leads to binge drinking and lastly it is a big health hazard. Firstly, alcohol should be banned because it influences people to get into situations where they do not like to be. It influences people to drink to fit in at parties or other social events, then people end up driving under the influence and it makes them drunk which results in bad choices. People drink at social …show more content…
One of the biggest effects of alcohol consumption is binge drinking; binge drinking is bad because it results in alcohol poisoning, it results in alcohol dependence and it causes many health problems. The first reason binge drinking is bad is because it results in alcohol poisoning; alcohol poisoning is the most life threatening side effect of binge drinking. Alcohol poisoning affects breathing and the pharyngeal reflex also known as the gag reflex. If the gag reflex is not fully functional one may die from choking on their own vomit. Banning alcohol prevents alcohol poisoning and ensures that breathing and the pharyngeal reflex are not in any way affected. The second reason why binge drinking is bad is because it results in alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence is another horrible effect of binge drinking, it occurs when a person drinks frequently and drinks an excessive amount at a time. Symptoms of alcohol dependence are the ability to drink large quantities of alcohol without seeming intoxicated, persistent drinking and undergoing withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit drinking. According to a recent study done by the Health Promotion Board 95% of all adults who are dependent on alcohol started drinking before the age 21. Banning alcohol restricts people from being dependant on it. Lastly, binge drinking is bad because it causes many health …show more content…
Alcohol serves as a major health hazard because it leads to liver disease, cancer, and can affect the ones around you. One of the leading causes of liver disease or alcoholic hepatitis is alcohol consumption. According to, 63% of people that heavily drink are diagnosed with liver disease. 43% of them die from liver disease. Cutting of alcohol will reduce death rates, leaving hospitals and doctors open for people that need it. If less people get liver disease, they are going to spend less money on research for it and less time treating the disease. Liver disease is also very painful, without alcohol, the disease will not cause pain. Liver disease kills people of all ages, statistics show that people ages from 20+ die from liver disease every year. Cancer is one of leading causes for death in the world. Cancer caused by alcohol kills 4% of people. Alcohol can cause mouth cancer Pharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, Laryngeal cancer, Breast cancer Bowel cancer, and Liver cancer. says that 13,000 die from alchol caused cancer every year. Without alcohol, 4% of cancer death is become obsolete. That means they can come closer to a cancer cure because the death rate will decrease by 4%. Alcohol not only can be a health hazard to one but it can also be a health hazard to those around that person. Being drunk can mentally harm those around oneself or that person can

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