The consumption of alcohol began as early as 10 or 12 thousand B.C. Scientists have found evidence of Stone Age beer jugs in West Africa. In the Middle East origin, alcohol dates back to 4000 B.C. The first written record is located in China in 1116 B.C. The imperial Edict claimed that wine was a drink prescribed by heaven. Whether it is current or an old age tradition, alcohol has been around for centuries. It brings people together, forces people apart, and overindulgence can cause health problems. Drinking alcohol can have many dangerous effects on the mind, body, emotions, and life.
The brain is a very sensitive organ, and must be taken care of accordingly. Drinking alcohol causes a a vitamin B1 deficiency, …show more content…
It weakens the immune system and leaves the body vulnerable to disease and illness, such as tuberculosis and pneumonia. Life only gives us one body and drinking alcohol can cause many problems. A single occasion of drinking slows the body’s ability to ward off infection and perform fluently for up to 24 hours after (Prentiss, 65). Alcohol is absorbed more slowly if fatty foods have been eaten before drinking, as alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout. Once someone has drunk more than the body can process, the result is being drunk. The amount is in direct correlation with size in gender as well. Alcohol is exited in small amounts through urine and breath. Bone damage is just one of the many problems as well. Alcohol causes bones to become brittle due to loss of calcium. Liver damage is apparent because the liver filters the toxins out of the body, and alcohol is a poison to the system. Alcohol interacts with the body’s homeostasis process, which means the process of maintaining a natural balance to achieve stability. This process plays a crucial role in good and bad health. Illnesses and diseases result from a homeostatic imbalance, such as diabetes, dehydration, gout, and addiction. As harmful as alcohol is, it is damages the body to stop drinking abruptly once started. The symptoms of the sudden loss of alcohol consist of nausea, anxiety, nervousness, and tremors. It is advised to slowly lessen the intake and …show more content…
Aside from the dependency the loved one suffers through, it is emotionally wearing to continuously assist the one drinking. It is a burden as well as a time consuming activity. The self-medication process is a harmful one. Drinking alcohol is associated with low levels of serotonin, and the first few drinks block out bad feelings which is why people keep on drinking, although the endorphins only last up to 18 hours. Addiction is a very real problem that must be dealt with as soon as possible. It is commonly seen that people with a defective per2 gene drink three times more alcohol than normal. People with two copies of the ALDH*2 gene rarely drink. Although genetics play a role in addiction, genetic predisposition does not translate to inevitability. There is no gene for addiction, only treatment centers and assistance from the ones around them. It is the choices of
Abner 4 the alcoholic as to whether or not they stay sober another day. With all of the options and clinics available for treatment, there is no reason for one to be struggling.
The damaging effects of alcohol on the brain body, emotions, and life are life threatening. From all the different types of cancers to brittle bones, alcohol is not a friendly substance. Violence that occurs when one has had too much is frightening for the ones around them. The pregnancy issues that arise when a sip is taken is atrocious. Out of all of the things that