Central Idea: Alcohol abuse can cause serious physical problems, lack of a social life, and strain on mental stability.
I. Think of a person you know who is healthy and has everything going for them in life with a strong support system.
A. Attention Getter: Now think of them as an overweight, unsanitary, and liver failure patient who has pushed their friends and family away because of them being dependent on a substance.
B. Reveal Topic: How did they get there? One simple word, alcohol.
II. The truth is alcohol can have harmful effects on different aspects of a person’s life and the people around them.
III. “There are more …show more content…
Establish Credibility: I have first-hand experienced the way alcohol effects a person as well as their loved ones, I am pre-nursing major who has taken Human A&P and I have done extensive research for this speech.
V. Preview the body of the speech: Today I will inform you, my audience, about the physical, social, and mental effects alcohol abuse has on a person.
Transition: Let’s start by looking at the physical effects of alcohol abuse on the body.
I. Alcohol abuse has physical effects on the human body.
A. First physical effect of alcohol abuse that I will discuss is loss of muscle control.
1. According to www.healthguidance.org, which is a group of doctors and colleagues who publish articles on different medical issues, “a BAC of .10 or above causes slurred speech and loss of coordination to begin to happen.”
2. Due to the loss of coordination, accidents and falls become more likely to occur.
B. Another effect of alcohol abuse is weight gain.
1. Alcohol causes weight gain because it is full of calories.
2. One bottle of Budweiser beer is equal to two Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
C. Another main effect of alcohol abuse is yellowing of the skin and eyes.
1. The yellowing is cause by the large amount of alcohol which causes the liver to function