Drug and alcohol abuse lead to many serious consequences. The emotional, physical, social, psychological, and intellectual health of many children and adults are impaired and damaged by drug abuse (“Drug and Alcohol Abuse,” 2014). Drug and alcohol abuse are not to be taken lightly. Those that are caught in the hole of drug and alcohol need help from friends and family in order to overcome it (“Drug and Alcohol Abuse,” 2014). …show more content…
James started drinking alcohol at age ten, smoked pot at age twelve, and moved onto to harder recreational drugs at age fifteen. He even began selling drugs and liquor in the ghetto parts of town, knowing it was dangerous. James enjoyed doing it because he thought it made him “cool” and allowed him to get anything he wanted whenever he wanted it. He would do illegal drugs and sell it even though it was dangerous for his health. When he was sixteen and seventeen, he would use drugs and drink alcohol in large quantities before, during, and after school. He would not know how much drugs he did because he would black out in result of it. When he went to college, he would more recreational drugs, getting investigated by the FBI, and getting into more trouble. His dependence on drugs grew more and more, despite how it was affecting his health and education. It was all he wanted to do all the time, anytime, …show more content…
His parents were able to afford basic physiological needs for him, buying food for the table and providing a house to sleep in. They were also able to afford to place James in an expensive and secure clinic for his safety. The rest of the hierarchy was possible to achieve due to James being able to receive his physiological needs. The basic physiological needs are the base and roots of an individual. Without it, he/she cannot grow into their full potential. James’s parents provided him with all the physiological needs, giving him a strong base to grow and flourish