Although I could not find any specific documentation of Hate and Bias crimes on people with addictions, I am focusing on the hate crimes that are related to people with addictions like Homelessness and Prostitution.
The stigma associated with drug use and addiction has manifested itself to discriminate against those who use drugs. Although drug use and addiction pervade all categories of race, gender, class, and age, the media has painted a picture of addicts to be inhuman caricatures, that society would be better off without. Drug use often leads to …show more content…
It is often hard to get accurate numbers of the hate crimes against the homeless, as they are not seen as a protected group by the FBI.
In 1999-2011, the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) has documented 1289 acts of violence against homeless individuals by housed perpetrators.These crimes are believed to be motivated by the perpetrator's’ bias against homeless individuals or their ability to target homeless people with relative ease. When the report was released in 2011,Comparison of FBI Defined Hate Crime Homicides :Homicides Classified as Hate Crimes (FBI Data): 4(1 racially, 3 sexual orientation) v. Fatal Attacks on Homeless: 32, (NCH,2012).
Addiction and drug use is linked to prostitution and sexual exploitation. Many individuals are exploited, raped, assaulted and abused when they are under the influence of drugs. Many may become involved in the industry to finance their addiction and often trade their bodies for drugs which puts them in a very vulnerable