However, The only problem this would solve is the amount of arrests that are made for adolescents being caught with alcohol or being under the influence either in a public setting or while driving. National Underage Drinking statistics show people ages 12 to 22 drink eleven percent of the total alcohol consumed in the United States (“Underage Drinking Statistics”) According to another survey (which took place in 2011) from Youth Risk Behavior, 39 percent of high school students consumed some amount of alcohol in the past 30 days. Eight percent from this survey claimed to drove after drinking and 24 percent rode with someone who was drinking. In Barstow, California, 67 fatalities were reported due to alcohol related collisions which was reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2012 (Quintero). Statistics also show that every 52 seconds someone dies from a drunken driver …show more content…
Internal and external damage to the body can always be found in alcoholics. Many often to do realize the amount of calories that are in alcoholic drinks, which eventually will lead to obesity and weight gain. Also, a lot of students that experience the “freshman 15” weight gain is due to one, the lack of exercise, but two, the amount of party time freshman do within their first year. Alcohol, being one of potential deadliest toxins one can put in their body, causes several serious illnesses that may be prolonged throughout one’s life time. Such illnesses that involve several different types of cancers, liver disease, kidney disease and or failure, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflamed stomach lining or bleeding in the stomach, and exposure to many other serious illnesses (“College Drinking”). Alcohol can often times hit a more sensitive spot to some people causing severe depression, suicide attempts, and much much more. Due to drinking and drug abuse, studies show that last year alone between 1.2 and 1.5 percent of students imply they tried to commit suicide within the last year (“College