Cheating is the act of deception by which a student seeks to misrepresent that he or she has mastered information that has not been mastered. There are many forms of cheating stated in the academic honesty policy. We violated the first on which says, by copying all or any portion of the other groups academic work and submitting it as our own we violated the policy of cheating. So by us submitting a reports so very similar to another group we have violated this portion of the policy. It is important to follow the academic honesty policy, because those polices are the laws to which helps create and safe and fait community of the students and faculty of the university. These policies are also setup to help guide us in how to act in other future endeavors. The University uses these polices to help keep the community fair and to create gradates that will know how to act in the world. If the policies are not followed it creates a dishonesty community which effects everyone in the …show more content…
In this paper I discussed my further plan, the policy I violated, dishonesty and the consequence of lacking integrity. The Academic Honesty policy was made to help keep the community fair and just. It also helps to show the student how they should act once they leave the university to move on to their further endeavors. This paper has helped me to further understand way I must follow the academic honesty policy and how if I don’t I will affect my further. With the plan I have laid out and my new knowledge. I have a strong feeling that I will not allow myself to be in this situation