My current goal is to become a Neonatal Nurse. A neonatal nurse is a nurse that cares for newborns. I want to help save lives. I also what to do something that i have a passion for and good at. When I was younger I always wanted to save something for a baby bird to one day helping new born babies that are sick.…
Many people set goals to measure the progress they are making. One goal I have set for myself by working at Weston County Health Services is learning to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). The steps I have taken to reach this goal include working many hours and watching other CNAs. One step I have taken to reach my goal of becoming a CNA is working many hours.…
My educational and career goals are to get my certified nursing assistant degree at the end of May 2018. I then want to acquire an associate's of science in nursing at Des Moines Area Community College and then get my bachelors of science in nursing in an online course through University of Iowa at Des Moines Area Community College. I plan to work as a nurse for about 5-7 years and then go back to school to become a nurse practitioner. I plan to work at a hospital hopefully on the pediatrics floor or in the neonatal intensive care unit. Two of my most meaningful achievements happened last year when I was invited to be at the honors breakfast and honors assembly.…
“When I think about all the patients and their loved ones that I have worked with over the years, I know most of them don’t remember me nor I them, but I do know that I gave a little piece of myself to each of them and they to me and those threads make up the beautiful tapestry in my mind that is my career in nursing.” As said by, Donna Wilk Cardillo, who is RN, MA, CPS with 30 years of clinical experience. These are truly inspirational word to someone diving in this professional field. It takes a long journey till you can call yourself a nurse with many stepping stones such as, deturmalton, getting your license, learning to handle the patients, overcoming many new obstacles.…
T.Robinson 9/13/17 English ll pt1 Career research Introduction I have chosen Nurse Assistant because I feel that the medical field was better for my personality, I want to help people through their pain. Meeting new people has always been joyful for me, and nurses meet new people every day. Helping different people feel better gives you an overwhelming since of accomplishment that will make you want to constantly offer your assistance. Assisting my elderly grandmother with her bathing and daily walking I thought about all the people that needs help so I pursued Nursing.…
Your resume is the first impression that a potential employer will have of you. Getting a job as a certified nursing assistant not only depends on your education and experience, but you need to have a great resume in order to land an interview for your dream job. Learning how to format a resume is the first step in the job application process. 1. Gather all of your information.…
With two years’ experience of being a Certified Nursing Assistant, I have some personal experience that influence my decision onto continuing my career path onto becoming a Register Nurse or even a Director of my own nursing home. I have learned in this field it has its downfalls, but if you have a passion, it is a rewarding career. According to Nursing Education Perspectives “All types of RN programs dropped by 8 percent between 2005 and 2006. (Kaufman, Kathy, PhD).…
This could be very difficult to provide care to those individuals because it requires a lot of hands on care such as showering, using the toilet, and help redirect the patients, especially if they have dementia. Another factor that can affect the daily job tasks of a certified nurse assistant could be the total of residents to one aide or etc. However, no matter what the circumstances are I humble myself while working because I am doing it for a purpose. My purpose is that I am giving back to humanity. Providing care to several patients on an eight hour shift is not a simple task.…
Nursing Personal Statement The Nursing field, in my opinion is one of the most honorable and respected career paths to be a part of. This career brings joy to million by comforting those that need it the most and most importantly this career path saves lives. Saving lives is the most important reason why I am choosing a career in the medical field. In middle school one of my good friends almost choked to death on a burger he ate too quickly. Instead of realizing something was wrong, I thought he was joking and laughed, trying to go along with what I thought was one of his hijinks.…
I graduated as a registered nurse (RN) in the year 2002. I started my career as a clinical instructor/nursing tutor at a school of nursing. I was in charge of the second year diploma nursing students. I supervised the students during their clinical postings at the hospital. My job responsibilities as a clinical instructor were as follows; overall supervision of students in the clinical settings, participation in doctor`s rounds with the students, assessing the student`s care plan, assisting them in attaining the expected outcomes, and evaluating and grading the nursing procedures.…
I love to work with others and make other people happy. One other wish for pursuing a health career is that i've always wanted to find a cure for cancer and be able to see people walk away from cancer with one simple medication. Being in the nursing field would give so much joy to my heart to know that I wake up every morning to provide care for other people in need. Someone very special and close to me, almost two months ago was in a horrific accident and now is a TBI patient. He makes me push closer to pursue in my career and to be able to give care and provide the needs that he and others need.…
Nurse advocate are liaison between patient, doctors and family members. As nurses we should all be nurse advocate. It’s the most important role we assume. The nurse protects the patient’s human rights and legal rights and provides assistance is asserting those rights and if the need arises. It’s easy to think getting medication or listening to patient is advocating.…
Based on what I’ve heard and collected from television, the internet, and nurses that I know or am related to, nursing isn’t a job that is cut out for everyone. Nurses do the jobs that no one else wants to do. It is a specialty that is active in so many different fields of medicine, and no matter where you go as a nurse, there will be a job opening for you. I hope to learn the benefits of this career field, and exactly what the education will be like. I also hope to learn what the ideal course of going about getting my education should be through interviewing a registered nurse who is currently taking classes to get her masters in nursing to become a family nurse practitioner.…
I know that I probably will not save everyone lives but if I can prevent someone from dying I would. I appreciate being there to help sustain a person life so that they could live again such as my grandmother. I have helped her maintain a normal range blood range and I definitely proud of myself because that wasn’t an easy task. The reason why I am interested in nursing because I love helping others when they’re incompetent to do for themselves. I realized that nursing was a perfect fit for me once I became a certified nursing assistant.…
Ever since high school my dream has always been to become a nurse. I know that Nursing is the profession for me. Becoming a Pediatric Nurse is what interest me. I am an outgoing person who enjoys working with and helping others. I have watched my cousin Michele graduate from nursing school and how hard she worked and how committed she’s was in making her dream of becoming a nurse.…