English ll pt1
Career research
I have chosen Nurse Assistant because I feel that the medical field was better for my personality, I want to help people through their pain. Meeting new people has always been joyful for me, and nurses meet new people every day. Helping different people feel better gives you an overwhelming since of accomplishment that will make you want to constantly offer your assistance. Assisting my elderly grandmother with her bathing and daily walking I thought about all the people that needs help so I pursued Nursing. People are always in need of assistance so this career will always be opened for more help. Experience In Nursing Assistant, there several general skills one needs to lean in order to maintain a professional relationship with their clients. Everything we do is hands on so misunderstandings can be easily corrected. Nursing teaches one sympathy and empathy, feeling sorry for a man who has been independent for his whole life and now has to have help bathing and imaging if that was you or your loved one how you like to be treated. In class, we practice on each other up close and personal so team work is a skill you have to master if you would like to be successful in this trade. Manners and people skill are a must as well, you will need to learn how to speak to an elderly person in order to keep a calm and stress free facility especially when the people there are already stressed by just being there. The nursing experience is fast and easy but very serious, you could become the bridge to someone’s …show more content…
This is a good salary to start with because it would allow me to work and go to school, after I complete two years of community college my pay will increase and I will become a registered nurse. Starting my new career as a registered nurse, I would like my annual salary to be