2nd Amendment Arguments

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The 2nd amendment is a very popular topic in today’s society and most have posted about the 2nd amendment. In my opinion and interpretation of the amendment it is pretty cut and dry. The founding fathers deemed it necessary to afford law abiding citizens the right to bear arms. As a citizen of this country it is my privilege, yes I said “privilege” not right to bear arms. I should be able to buy any weapon of my choosing whether it be for home defense, the defense of my family or for recreational use.
Where it becomes unclear to some is how does the militia tie into. I honestly have no idea how a militia is even in the same sentence. The government has stated on numerous occasions we need stricter gun laws and ban the use or purchase of assault rifles. I do, however agree that the gun laws need to be stricter on who can buy and where. All background checks should be completed according to the federal governments guidelines. I am a law abiding citizen and because some people feel guns are the problem and not the actually user of the weapon they want to take my right to bear arms. Some believe that you do not belong to a militia so you do not have the right to bear arms strictly opinion and
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It’s a fact of life to have disagreements and I truly respect everyone’s opinion even one that doesn’t agree with the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms. It is truly a discussion I enjoy having. If one has the proper training to handle the weapon of choice within reason of caliber, then there shouldn’t even be a discussion. I honestly think the government just wants take all our rights away or try to incorporate new laws and regulations making it extremely difficult to purchase the weapon but it still will not fix the problem. If someone wants the weapon that bad they will find a way to get it. Many things in this world are illegal and have been, but guess what a criminal can get their hands on

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