ENGL 123
Jesse H. Dixon
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide
It’s should come as no surprise that the gun control argument in America is fiery and emotional, with logic and civility most often being pushed aside by frustration, fear and anger. Most arguments over gun control come full of fallacies, and emotional appeal rather than true factual data. Neither side is happy with current gun laws. Gun owners feel their rights are being infringed, while gun control advocates believe it’s far to easy for the criminal or crazy person to get a firearm. Is there a better solution to the argument over gun control and the 2nd amendment? The question is, will …show more content…
the National Guard) away. The pro gun side in a nutshell believes it’s a fundamental right of Americans to purchase and own firearms. Now within these groups there are views expressed on the far left and the far right, some for limited gun control while other feel any ban is unconstitutional. To start, I’m Pro 2nd amendment, to a point, because I’m also pro gun control to a point. It’s my thinking that most people want sane, law abiding citizens to be able to obtain firearms to protect themselves from criminals, while also wanting society to be able to protect themselves from crazy, insane or violent criminals by enacting stricter gun control laws so that mentally deranged individuals are unable to obtain easy to purchase firearms. First, the factual context” The US has a homicide rate of 4.8 per 100,000, which is much higher than that of most Western European countries (1.1 for France, 1.0 for Australia), but the relationship between gun regulation and homicides is in no way straightforward. Gun-loving Switzerland has the lower rate of homicides than do more tightly regulated countries like the United Kingdom and Sweden. Cuba, a policed state, having very strict gun laws has a higher homicide rate than does the United States at 5.0 per