performance at Theater New Brunswick’s Open Space theater in Fredericton, New Brunswick on Friday November 25th 2016. The one-man show told the story of a boy native from Saint John, New Brunswick. That boy was in fact the actor himself, you were transported in his world through a heartfelt and authentic performance. The play as inspirational as it could be told the audience that it is important to be true to yourself. The story of his his own life was a real “tear jerker” as one could say. An interesting trip that involved not only himself but other characters that shaped his life, one in particular his own mother. Through her impersonations…
was on this island in the Halifax harbor where many of the prisoners had become labor workers for the government. All in all, the fact that they threw these people in a jail and used them as workers come off as almost treating them like they were slaves for their own personal use. It's sad that these people had to go through something as such because it would defiantly traumatize them in the end, as well as for Acadians who would eventually return. Life in the colonies was not easy for the…
The song that I will be representing is far well to Nova Scotia. Nova scotia, which is Latin for “New Scotland”, is one of three Maritime Provinces in Canada. Nova scotia is the second smallest province in Canada with up to 55,284 square kilometers of land. This land has been a destination for sailors, adventures and settlers all across history, because of there close location to the Atlantic sea and there mid tempeture climate. The song farewell to nova scotia originated in none…
Acadia was unmistakably a separate colony of New France, developing their own variant of the French language and traditions. The Acadians were the descendants of the 17th century colonists of Port Royal (present day Annapolis Royal). Tribulations of warfare by the French and British resulted in the tragic Grand Derangement. Expelled because of reasons by the British, dispersed throughout the British settlements, and the effect it had on the Acadian people and the history of Nova Scotia is…
and political status quo’ and [argue] for greater sovereignty” (Des Granges 39), both of which were crucial in the referendums on sovereignty and on a different vision for Quebec and Canada. These political parties have persisted in their significance and prominence in Canadian politics. Federally, the Bloc Quebecois has been and continues to be an important party since it became the Official Opposition in 1993, just two years before the 1995 Referendum that very narrowly voted against Quebec…
The year of 1944 led the nation of Canada into despair over the issue of the WW2. The current situation at that times steered people to believe that Conscription was the only solution to the problem. Conscription was the compulsory enrollment in armed forces which had once tore apart the nation of Canada back in 1917. The after math of was that the conscription crisis of 1944 in Canada, which was an unnecessary action that created bitter disputes between the French & English citizens, which…
searched about PEI’s language resources, Gaelic’s disappearance on PEI is the first thing that I noticed. According to Shaw’s project “Gaelic in Prince Edward Island: A Culture Remnant” (1987), the last existence proof can be found about Gaelic heritage was in 1987 (Shaw:1987), he does his best to find 33 copies of Gaelic audio tape and 3 videocassette for the PEI people to have the chance to hear the lost language. In Shaw’s case, he blames the loss of Gaelic to the lack of attention it has…
Oath of Allegiance The Oath of Allegiance was an Oath made so the Acadians could promise the British that they would practice their religion and would be on their side at all times. The Oath of Allegiance was made so the Acadians couldn’t revolt against the British. Acadians should take the Oath of Allegiance. Acadians should take the Oath because by doing this they would get some protection. By that I mean if they followed what the British wanted them to do the British would probably…
Durham and others identified the problem that the French presence was a negative driver in British-North America, suggesting French people need to be assimilated into British culture. In 1841, the Act of Union reunited Upper and Lower Quebec and sanctioned unilingualism in the legislature of the Province of Canada, which resulted such sharp protest from francophone members that it had to be repealed in 1848 by the British Parliament. Accounts of language tension in Canada occur in the late 19th…
Constitution should recognize the francophone population in Quebec as a ‘nation’ with characteristics and needs palpably different from those of other provinces in the Canadian federation. The problem has been tackled on a number of occasions but has yet to be resolved. This paper serves to propose three potential amendment solutions to the constitutional problem of Quebec; these include the prospective bilateral constitutional amendment, … as well as simply rethinking the framework of Canada. …