Ruhollah Khomeini

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    On June 3, 1989 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini died of complications following surgery. Millions of Iranian citizens took to the streets to mourn his passing. During the period of mourning, thousands were injured and many lost their lives. This mass outpouring of passion was aimed at the man largely responsible for the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the establishment of an Islamic Republic. While the 1979 Revolution was facilitated by a number of groups including but not limited to the religious Ulama class, Ayatollah Khomeini and his writings permeate most discussions about the revolution and the subsequent founding of the Islamic Republic. It must be asked then, what was it about Ayatollah Khomeini that led to widespread support for him across…

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  • Improved Essays

    state, with Ayatollah Khomeini as its lifelong leader. The revolution in Iran was the result of many unspoken issues, but the major one was the underestimation of religion that the Shah regime expressed. From September 1941 to February 1979 Islam was ruled by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, his main goal was to turn his country into a modern industrial…

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  • Improved Essays

    be seen as a puppet to the Iranian people, mainly because of his interacts with the U.S. and Britain, letting them take all the oil and enforcing beliefs similar to them. Many people during the time revolted against Reza Shah and Ruhollah Khomeini was one of them, even going as far as to overthrow the Shah, later becoming the religious leader of…

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  • Improved Essays

    Shah Pahlavi's Downfall

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    Imagine living in Iran in 1970. It was a time of great boom and great bust. There was much wealth to be had from oil production, and at times things were very prosperous. This prosperity was overshadowed though, by the many socio-economic failures of the Shah. His unwise use of power and his greed made Iran a country ripe for revolution. By 1979 the stage was set for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who because of cunning historical and political maneuverings was able to use politics, religion, and…

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  • Improved Essays

    Iranian Revolution Essay

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    This assessment aims to evaluate the research question “To what extent did the Shah’s domestic policy lead to the Iranian Revolution?”. This paper will investigate the Pahlavi Regime and the Shah’s ambition to convert Iran from a third world developing country and in reforming her into the world's leading oil-rich nation of the world (with the support from western allies), in understanding the concept this investigation will examine the Shah’s weakness into account of causing the start of the…

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  • Improved Essays

    The Iranian Hostage Crisis

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    They called the United States “The Great Satan” (Bowden). These students wanted more than the Muhammad Pahlavi returned to Iran to stand trial for all the murders while in office ( Staff “Iran”). They also wanted the United States to have absolutely no interference in their country along with support for their new leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ( Staff “Iran”). On Day One of what would be later known as the Iranian Hostage Crisis, a woman by the name of Elizabeth Ann…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The temple, where the attacks happened, was 3,400 years old. Gun shots and gun fires were going off for three hours straight. (Jehl) Al-Gama Al Islamiyah was the leader of six young men from the group that shot their way into the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor’s Valley of the Queens. The gunmen were reported that they trained at Al Caeda camps in Afghanistan and then later committed suicide. He was accused of trying to kill Mubarak. (Daily Mail) Also, on November 17, 1979 women and African…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Shah's barbarous regime, which had been rigorously backed by the United Sates for almost frothy years. While Shariati was incredibly active in promoting the revolution, it cannot be said that the final result was in line with his philosophy. Consider, that Shariati was a radical who was deeply anti-establishment. He viewed the clerical class as reactionary and dangerous because they "had essentially grown up within the ruling order."(27) It was the other major figure of the revolution Ruhollah…

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  • Improved Essays

    Iran Revolution 1979

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    America as just as corrupt and controlling as “the older powers” of Western Europe. SAVAK, the secret police under the Shah, became “increasingly brutal” with training from American and Israeli forces, terrorizing those publicly known or suspected of holding leftist ideals. Around this era in the 1960’s, a cleric known as Ruhollah Khomeini started to preach in the city of Qom, denouncing the Shah and his government. This public condemnation, made in the time period where the Shi’a Muslims’…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Argo (2012) is a movie directed and starring with Ben Affleck based on the history of the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979. The crisis started when the Shah wanted to westernize Iran and it makes the Iranian people infuriate, when the majority people of Iran are Shia then the populace of Iran topples the Shah, deported cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini take over Iran and his supporters start to act violent against people who refuse to comply their cleric and people who suspected to be American…

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