Oregon hosts many interactive learning experiences, as well as fun adventures. There is a new adventure at every turn. Oregon is a good vacation option because of the beaches, the amazing sights to see, and the remarkable historical landmarks. Oregon offers many adventures, but some people might choose to go somewhere else like California. After all, in California one can go to Disneyland, Los Angeles or San Francisco. California, however, is quite expensive. The hotels and condos are almost double the price of Oregon hotels. Oregon condos or hotels are way cheaper, and they are of the same value. Oregon also has incredible sights to see and delightful things to do. Some of those things include exploring the beach, or touring lighthouses.…
Have you ever thought about visiting the state of Oregon? If you have the chance to visit, you should. With the Pacific Ocean on the west, Oregon is bordered by the states of Washington, Idaho, Nevada, and California. Fur trading by early Oregon explorers almost wiped out the state’s beaver population, and gave the state its nickname, the Beaver State. Although Oregon City was the first capital of Oregon in 1848, Salem became the capital in 1851. As of 2010, 3,831,074 people live in Oregon. The…
Oregon Trail Introduction: During the 19th century, America started territorial expansion,which evolved the South Oregon area where The United Stated brought from Napoleon. Thus, during these periods, the process of expanding provided a lot of new opportunities for the mass who lived in east to obtain totally new life. Then, Oregon Trail, a key of that expansion was created and named by later generations. Oregon Trail is a legend of American, but it is the truth story. At that time, people…
The Oregon Trail: The American Journey Third Draft Mason Scholl Oregon is a pretty great place wouldn’t you say? Well The Oregon Trail played a tremendous role by leading thousands of people from all around the nation, leaving behind their old lives hoping for a new one (Blackwood). Knowing the dangers of the trail did not stop these immigrants; the desire of gold and land were the only things they were anxious about (“A Day On”). The Oregon Trail gave an opportunity for success, and even…
the Oregon trail such as attacks, accidents, supply shortages, terrain, disease and weather. The Oregon Trail was a 2,170 mile route from Missouri to Oregon Territory. It enabled migration for the early pioneers to move West. The trail was laid down from 1811-1840 by fur trappers. It could only be traveled by horseback, wagons, or by foot. Over 500,00 people used the trail until the transcontinental railroad was established. One reason travelers in the east left, was because they wanted no part…
Have you ever wanted to go to Oregon? There are many sights and experiences to see, feel, and try, along with a rich history. It’s the year 1803. President Thomas Jefferson bought a huge swatch of land for the US, including what is now Oregon. He sent explorers to map the territory. Later, in 1840, settlers traveled up the Oregon Trail. On February 14, 1854, Oregon became the 33rd official state. Oregon may have gotten its name from the French word “Ouragan”, which means hurricane and was a…
I Only Picked This Because I’m From Oregon The film “how to die in Oregon” directed by Peter Richardson (as Perter D. Richardson) in 2011, was a first person narrative that examines the stories about the first state to have the legalization if physician-assisted suicide, which Oregon allowed with the passing of Death with Dignity Act in 1994. Richardson spent four years collaborating a touching, tender, and moving story of those who do not wish to kill themselves but to take their lives into…
CROSS-BORDER SHOPPING FROM WASHINGTON STATE TO OREGON STATE Introduction Tax policy is one strategy that states have to increase their competitiveness. From the 50 states nationwide, only five states do not impose sales tax or have a 0% sales tax rate; they are Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon. Without sales tax, people can buy in these five states without spending extra money on tax and they can have extra ‘money’ for saving or spending on other goods. Compared to some other…
A Oregon has a marvelous agriculture including many crops and animals. Oregon has two main crops; hazelnuts and pears. Hazelnuts are the state nut. Hazelnuts are high in protein and fiber. 95% of America’s hazelnuts are produced in Oregon. Another important crop is the pear, the state’s fruit. Oregon is 2nd in the nation for pear production. Cows are an important part of Oregon’s agriculture. Oregon is in the top five for milk quality. Cows produce 6.5 gallons of milk everyday! Milk is also the…
Oregon is familiar to my country, because “The Love from Oregon,” Japanese TV drama, was a smash hit. “The Love from Oregon” is a fiction that Japanese Americans grow their own food and exist on that in the wild nature and seek an uncomplicated happiness through their lives under primitive conditions. So when I heard a word Oregon, I pictured the prairie. It seemed to be too rich in nature for me to live. While I clicked several websites, I figured out that my pictures were wrong; real pictures…