The data from Table 1.1 provides a measurement of how hard the Jell-O gets when fruit is not added and when different types of fruit are added: pineapples, mangoes and apples. The deeper the coin drops into the Jell-O, the less hardened the Jell-O is. The control, no fruit, hardened the most, which is shown in the table because the coin could not break the surface of the Jell-O, so it did not sink into the Jell-O at all. The coin sank into the Jell-O with the added pineapple. The coin dropped an average of 1.49 inches into the pineapple Jell-O, the most out of all of the averages. This means that it was the most liquified; it did not harden properly. The Jell-O hardened a little bit more around the mangoes, with the coin sinking an average…
Session IV was about Patience /Long- Suffering. The goals of this session were to teach the veterans how to be patient and that long-suffering was a part of the discipleship journey. The military core values discussed were compatible with The Fruit of the Spirit Patience/Long Suffering were courage, loyalty, and commitment. Several scriptures from the Old and New Testaments will facilitate the meaning of patience and long-suffering. The natural Kiwifruit will assist in understanding…
Kiwifruit is now the largest horticultural export product by far. However, a more recent industry that is taking advantage of technology is the wine industry. New Zealand is becoming a major player on the international market in the wine industry due to advances made in the technology of fermentation equipment. No longer is the process of temperature control during fermentation guess work or constant checking, but a local company has devised a method of managing vat temperatures both accurately,…
of oily deposits inside the blood by 15%, thus helping an individual fight against heart diseases. 3. Rich in Vitamin C Kiwi being rich in Vitamin C, eating more of kiwi enhances the immunity system. Vitamin C helps in relieving mental stress, healing wounds, retaining iron content in the body, and also help in maintaining a good bone health. This fruit has also been proven to diminish wheezing and shortness of breath in asthma patients by around 35%. 4. Magnesium and Potassium Benefits:…
I found the article in BBC Science. It talks about Linus Pauling, a 65 years old guy, who is usually adding vitamin C to his orange juice in the morning. This article is very attractive to me. As a person who wants to become a pharmacist in the future, I am like to learn and find out about drugs. Linus Pauling has written many books about the benefits of using vitamins. He argues that the addition of these substances can cure common colds, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, cancer.…
beneficial for your heart and mind. They are also a wonderful way to keep your skin hydrated, soft, and wrinkle free. Two forms of Omega-3, DHA and EPA, are abundant in fish food, such as Wild Alaskan Salmon, Lake Trout, Sardines, Bluefish, Tuna, and Anchovies. Another beneficial form of Omega-3 is Alpha-Linolenic Acid, ALA, supports strong bones, lowers bad cholesterol levels, and can be found in Walnuts, Flaxseeds, and Soybeans. 3. Vitamins A and C work to destroy excess estrogen and…
eating just a few blueberries every day. They can counter insulin-based resistance, obesity, high-cholesterol levels as well as tension. Studies have shown that blueberries also fight against fat-storing cells. It is indeed remarkable that the smallest of fruits has such amazing benefits! Strawberries Strawberries Image Courtesy Strawberries are another great type of weight-loss augmenting fruit and this is in part because of leptin and adiponectin. These are two…
with both parents having the gene will inherit it. Statistics showed that the intake of vitamins E and D, folate, calcium, and fiber as %DRI was lower for children of all ages; also, they are the nutrients of most concern. The Intake of vitamin C, protein, vitamin B-12, riboflavin, and magnesium becomes lower and lower with age. Infants with sickle cell need to increase their folate intake by introduces foods like dry beans (like navy beans, red beans, and soybeans), cow peas, chickpeas,…
prohibiting factor Xa in the clotting sequence, which lowers the chance of blood clot formation (Cassavaugh & Stummer, 2014). This is an important distinction from warfarin as the mechanism of action does not require any special dietary considerations when taking Eliquis (Drug class review, 2013). Warfarin works by preventing the production of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors. These factors include anticoagulant proteins C and S as well as factors II, VII, IX, and X (Drug class review,…