The health care delivery system is not a static system as it experiences changes daily and in some cases hourly. Staff members tend to think that leaders and managers will save the day by helping them cope with the ever-changing health care environment, maybe making it disappear; however, nurse leaders and managers also struggle to cope with change and to help staff. What does this mean? Nurses at all levels must make a commitment to the change process and take active roles in the process. Change that comes from and is totally managed by a manager will not be successful today” Finkleman (2012). When I started my career as a Nurse at my hospital, this was a small hospital. We became part of a big Hospital System back in 2007. So many things…
The United States mental health care system is not the only one that is less than ideal, truth be told there are very few if any placed where it is adequate. Globally, facilities for psychiatric are usually understaffed, under equipped, and under qualified to see to the number and condition of the residents. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry conducted a study that states, “Almost all mental health professionals in China work in specialty psychiatric hospitals. The numbers and geographic…
As a benevolent ruler, my ideal health care policy for the Elbonian, is giving the reason, why the government should be involved in our health care system is to improve health for longevity instead of coercion for health insurance. The mission of Elbonian health care system is preventing an illness by education. Knowledge is power for health. Learn how to take good care of yourself to live longer. Health care is what you can contribute for your well-being and the well being of others. If you are…
faced by the modern health professionals in understanding the complexities of providing culturally competent Aboriginal health, physiotherapy and rehabilitation care within the Australian primary health care system. Non-Indigenous health care professionals cannot truly understand the true complexity of the past impacts of colonialism, the political process and the community’s prejudice effects on the Indigenous health status. This report intends to inspire health care professionals to understand…
The U.S. Health care system provides the insured with effective and high-quality health care services. But what constitutes health care quality and does such a system exist in the U.S.? According to the American College of Medical Quality, quality health care is defined as the “degree to which health care systems, services and supplies for individuals and populations increase the likelihood for positive health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.”1 Such quality varies…
Australia and Germany’s health care systems both offer a range of benefits, both these health care systems have both public and a private health care sector. Germany’s health care system in comparison to the Australia’s health care system have a similar setting towards each other. Each country provides a different amount of health services, Germany has a different political, economic and social influences compared the Australia’s. Both these countries have different perspectives of how the…
“Affordable universal health care for every single American must not be a question of whether, it must be a question of how” (Obama 1). In a country that spends the most in the world on health care, one would expect world class health care available to everybody, but that is not the case in the U.S. The need for reform has been recognized throughout the history of U.S. health care, but no major reform has ever fixed the problems, only delayed the consequences that the U.S. health care system has…
become creative in developing individual insurance policies that may make great sense, when it comes to keeping expenses at the lowest for the government but would not be of any use for a subscriber/patient. For example, a medical insurance policy that requires the subscriber/patient to pay the first $10000.00 of his/her healthcare cost in a given year, before the health insurance would start paying. For someone who may make $30000.00 per year, this may not be suitable. Furthermore, in order to…
The Australian Health Care System is made up of a wide array of influences that have ultimately shaped the way the nation functions and responds to health risks and factors. When looking at the health system in Australia, determinants of health, meaning elements of a person’s lifestyle that may be either detrimental or beneficial to their health, or perhaps, contain no change bearing factor, are a key point of interest for health workers. Determinants of health can be described as variants of…
Introduction Private health care is known in Canada as care that is funded by private sources or by the patient themselves (DeCoster and Brownell 301). There are many different perspectives on whether or not Canada should privatize their health care system. In a situation like this, it must be taken into account what is best in the country’s eyes, and not the perspective of an individual or a single community (Uplekar 898). Quality health care is a concern for many people. In order for a health…