Ms. Zimmerman is a guidance counselor at the Yeshivah of Flatbush and was a perfect candidate to interview about vaping. She has a very strong stance on vaping and believes it is harmful and spent a lot of time researching the effects of vaping. She helps students at the Yeshivah of Flatbush with substance abuse and any other issues a student would like to bring up with her. I have learned many things during the interview that I did not know about. Such as the fact that the FDA has not tested any vapes or electronic cigarettes, or any liquids associated with those devices and does not plan on it for a couple of years. Ms. Zimmerman has also brought up many solutions that may prevent the growth in popularity of vapes. She believes that "education…
It’s often easy for someone to become biased especially if they feel there is no room for another argument to pose, however presenters have to be careful not to make biased statements or judgements as it can offend some viewers. It is vital that factual programmes stick only to correct information and don’t make statements that support one side of the argument and not the other. A perfect example of a biased factual TV programme is ‘Supersize me’. That show is about exactly how unhealthy fast…
early years of the development of television, TV shows and broadcasts could only show an actors’ hands and face due to the lack of a large screen that could broadcast the show. I have investigated thoroughly and have spent a many days researching in departments regarding television. Many people in their everyday lives interact with the television in some way or another. They may check the news, watch sports games, catch up on their favorite shows, use them for recreational purposes, or even just…
American children between 8 and 18 years of age spend an average of 6 hours and 21 minutes each day using entertainment media (VITM). Children spend a lot of time on media a day; on twitter, listening to music, watching TV and playing video games. The major concern among people is how do children respond to watching violence in the media. It has become impossible to escape the violence. By 18 years of age, the average young person will have viewed an estimated 200,000 acts of violence on…
In many ways the internet has began to directly impact and effect our lives. Whether the internet makes a task more simple or just enhances the production of mass communications, The internet can be proven responsible or somehow related. This is true in almost every form of communications because of the weight of the influence the internet holds. These forms of communication can include writing, the alphabet, printing, all the way to the radio and television we watch today. the internet relates…
According to a great article written by Chhandita Chakravarty called How to Monitor Teens some of the best way parent have tried to help their teens escape the contemporary culture pressure is by check out the music, movies, TV shows, games and celebrities their child likes. Once they know what is interesting to him or her, they can spot the pictures and messages that are influencing their kids. It is quite easy for teens to watch YouTube videos on mobiles so there is no limit to an outside…
Quester et al. (2014, pp.227) shows that Australians are embracing online technology in their homes, with the average person’s everyday viewing behaviour now involving multiple screens and various media including mobile phones, television, radio or print media as well as computers. As there are more access points to information and the Internet, more attention is drawn to trends and what is currently ‘popular.’ With the increased penetration of mobile phones and thus, the Internet in societies,…
Internet television started out in 2007 as websites like Netflix and Hulu were created to provide television shows for convenient watching. However, since then it has become increasing popular, making it possible to watch almost every show on demand and on the go. Internet television is has been taking the world by storm for the last seven years but is it going to take over television as we know it? Not only are shows from well-known broadcasting channels available on these platforms, but also…
One of these is how teachers are paid less than many other profession, a few of these being accountants, architects, and judges. America’s future is in the hands of today’s generation. Barber lets us know that some changes are needed for Americas education system like, Americans even caring about their kid’s education, the amount of time spent in school rather than watching television, and giving the students a school based education not street based education. Barber writes,…
Contrary to popular belief and conventional wisdom, violence in the media is way less harmful than what people think. Since the early days of motion pictures, violence has been overly criticized by many generations of adults generally and parents specifically. But after reading “Violent Media Is good for Kids” by Gerard Jones and how interesting is his take on this matter, the use of violence in the media makes much more sense. The discussion about good and evil, and what’s the proper way to…