I feel that this reason for destroying mankind fits in more with the story of Noah than with the story of Utnapishtim. Unlike the story of Noah though, the gods in the story of Deucalion resemble the gods in the story of Utnapishtim. They also seem to possess human-like traits—arguing amongst one another, deceiving each other, etc. Unlike Noah and Utnapishtim, Deucalion and Pyrrha are not warned about the flood and survived due to their boat landing on top of a mountain. Deucalion and his wife were not chosen; they were saved by chance, and they just so happened to be “good”. Jupiter saw that the two survivors were good and the floods were diminished (Ovid 1.15). The two survivors asked the gods for help and were able to repopulate the earth. However, their repopulation of the earth is much different than the ways told in the first two stories: They were told to cover their heads, loosen their clothes, and throw stones behind them—which turned into humans (Ovid 1.17). In this story, no animals were saved; the earth spontaneously created animal life forms, and eventually…
The Greek story “Deucalion and Pyrrha" and the Bible story, Noah’s Ark are both stories that revolve around a flood. Both stories include many similarities and a few differences. Some comparisons include the following, The biblical and Greek stories have many similarities such as with the war breaking out, both of the main characters were faithful to the Gods, and a difference is where and how many characters there are in each of the stories and the setting. The main point to each of the…
The two short stories “Deucalion and Pyrrha” and “The Great Serpent and the Great Flood” both revolve around a natural disaster destroying their society without any notice, and they include certain characteristics that are peculiar to the present world. In “Deucalion and Pyrrha” one of their beloved gods were angry at how humanity is behaving, so he decided to drown the world in a flood. In “The Great Serpent and the Great Flood” a serpent was killed by the main character Nanobozho, which caused…
character: Deucalion, Noah, and Utnapishtim surviving the flood in order to regenerate the world. Deucalion’s flood story, “Noah and the Flood”, and The Epic of Gilgamesh have numerous similarities, yet each story contains its own features to make it individual for its culture. Towards…
existence of other theories in the world. One of the most well-known theories is the Biblical flood story. In this story, God was upset at mankind and wanted to destroy it, but before doing so, He warned Noah, because he was righteous, and told him to build an arc. Noah followed the orders, and on the boat, was his family and two of every animal. Rain came from the sky for 40 days and 40 nights, which in turn, flooded the Earth for 150 days. The Greek story involves Zeus sending a flood to…
It begins with Zeus being angry at the titan Prometheus for giving the people fire. Prometheus warned his son, Deucalion about the flood and told him to build a boat. Deucalion brought his wife on the boat and by the end of the flood, they were the only ones who survived. A similarity between the Genesis flood and the Greece flood is a higher power coming to the hero of the story and warning him about the flood, however in Genesis the higher power was a god and in Greece it was a titan. Another…
the same as the one in Genesis: Zeus, the creator and head honcho, gets annoyed with mankind for their selfish and vain nature and ways. The solution is to wipe them out with a flood. In this myth, the author writes of how Deucalion and his wife were the only survivors when he says, “when Deucalion took advice from his father, Prometheus, and constructed an ark. He and his wife used the ark to escape the flood sent by Zeus.” (Black). This is very similar to the flood story in The Epic of…
Hesiod's story of creation, which concentrates on the gods is different than Ovid's story of creation because in Hesiod story of creation, the areas of Earth seem to have happened by chance with no guidance, the Gods mated by chance, and have created things with no set purpose. Mankind is just there. According to Ovid in the beginning there appears to be guidance with not as much chaos. Things seem to be in somewhat order and he assumes that we should know how the Gods came to be. In…
In Ovids version of the flood he had help from his brother neptune, while in Genesis it was only god creating the flood. In Genesis God intended for Noah and his family to live, although in Ovid, Jupiter did not intend for anyone to live but Deucalion and his wife happened to survive. In Ovids version the animals came from the Sun and water and the humans came from Deucalion and his wife throwing parts of the earth and it would sprout into human beings. While in Genesis on the ark that Noah…
Lattimore, 2013). Killing one’s children in order to hurt their spouse is not unique to mythological women. There are many stories of women in modern times who have killed their children in order to escape motherhood or hurt their spouse. This past June, in Texas, a mother killed her two daughters in front of her husband (NBC News, 2016). While mortal babies in modern times are born only of their mother, Ovid returns to the first mother to repopulate the earth, after Zeus causes a great…